Full Strut Toms In March???

  • Nick Johnson
    Posts: 29

    I just got back home from college, as my universities spring break starts tomorrow. My drive home consists of fields and scattered hardwoods. It takes about an hour to make it home from my university and I enjoy making the trip during the daylight so I can scout wildlife. Sure enough, in one of the fields I spotted two toms FULL STRUT!!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes and it makes me wonder with the unusual warm weather early, will this cause struggles during the spring season? Best of luck to everyone venturing out this spring. Gobble Gobble!

    Posts: 1892

    I was out hiking on a island earlier this week and ran across a group of 8+ toms. I would guess they won’t be together much longer?

    1. IMG_20160307_145820276.jpg

    Posts: 1296

    You will see Tom’s strutting in OCt at all different times. I wathced them all fall do the same thing. They will be together fo awhile yet.
    Can’t wait till April second will be in NE with the bow then come back to get even with the pipe bomb.

    Cody hesseltine
    Posts: 112

    Been seeing them strut here in the east. This early warm weather getting things kicked off.

    Quintin Biermann
    Posts: 170

    I have seen them strut here in January on sunny days especially when in large groups. In my opinion the hens come into breeding season around relatively the same time. I know its exciting now but 4 days of 40s and rain in april an will all remember what its like to hear no gobbling and birds on the low down. That being said I have multiple tags again this year and am pumped for april 2nd. – QB

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