Full story on Gamechanger. Unreal

  • mattgroff
    Posts: 585

    Well I can honestly say the past couple weeks have been very busy with the bith of a 3rd child and family in town, daughters birthday my birthday and are 8th anniversary. O and a trip to the er for stitches in my hand and duck opener. I had be not had a chance to get out yet until Monday night. That night I seen 20 bucks and 2 does. With that being said I knew I was headed out Tuesday. Well I got in the stand late at 5 o’clock had to bump 2 small bucks off the field on the way in. And right as I climbed up the action began from buck fights to coyotes to horses under my tree I seen it all. I quit counting deer at 17.
    Close to 7 o’clock the deer seem to move to one side of the field. As a buddy texted me and said how many bucks. I said a lot but no shooters. He said I bet u will see a shooter tonight. And within 5 seconds I looked to the west and there he was a shooter as he turned his head I knew right away what deer it was. Gamechanger. The buck that has kept me up since early June. As he fed about 110 yards from me alls I could do is watch after awhile the herd of deer slowly started working my way and I meen slowly. And watching a booner is not the most calming thing. As he bumped does and small bucks the whole way he got to 43 yards not wanting to shoot him at that cause he was relaxed I let him keep feeding hoping he would come a little closer finally I was covered up in deer right under me and as I looked up Gamechanger walked 2 more steps closer and turned broadside as I ranged him again and this time he was at 40yards and I said I have to shoot. But with his leg being back it was blocking some good vitals as I waited he took a step and cleared them. As I drew the Matthews monster and settled the pin I let it fly. And not only as I shot he took a full step but ducked as well. So needless to say I did not hit my mark but as he ducked and turned my rage 2 blade chisel tip caught the back formortal artery and the blood started spraying like a paint can as he took off. Alls I could see was a lumanock glowing and blood spraying like crazy. Alls I could do was cry and make phone calls. After a few buddies came we gave him some time and started on the track witch was easy to follow.
    He ran about 120 yards and was laying just in the edge of the woods. For those of you that know me this is the only deer I wanted and planned on being the only deer I was going to shoot. And God has blessed me with some amazing stuff this past week and topped it off with a 172inch beast we call Gamechanger. I will upload a bunch of pics later as we go back out this morning to take mor pics. But here is a few right now from last night.
    Thanks Matt.

    1. image54.jpg

    2. image53.jpg

    3. image52.jpg

    4. image51.jpg

    Posts: 727

    Whoa Nelly!!!!

    Welcome to BOON-TOWN!! bow

    What kind of field were all those deer hitting? What was the food source? Thats alot of deer concentrated in one area. You are hunting a gold mine.

    Congrats applause

    Posts: 585

    Thanks. Mainly just hey field with patches of natural clover. Scattered Apple trees on the property but mainly deer were eating the clover I think mixed in the grass.

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Wow that’s an absolute bruiser! Congrats sounds like you have one heck of a hunting spot along with some good management to boot. Nice work.

    Posts: 727

    What part of the world is that from? MN,WI,SD??? Looks like that SE Minnesota Houston Co. bluff country buck to me! Just a wild guess.lol

    Posts: 1552

    Very nice buck and story Matt!

    Congratulations, it appears you put your time in and it paid off.

    Jason Beaulieu
    Posts: 78

    He is a STUD!!!! Congrats on an awesome deer! Holy MASS!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Holy buckets. As weird as it sounds, I was thinking about you last night wondering how the sit was going. Huge congrats on a buck of a lifetime!

    Posts: 585

    Doing some pics right now. Thank you everyone

    Posts: 1296

    Congrats great deer.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    Gamechanger is right! Incredible story, greading. Congrats Matt, just a terrific deer and well earned.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Holy mass is right! What a beauty! Congrats on a heck of a buck!! toast

    Posts: 5

    Nice deer bud. Congrats!

    Posts: 3

    Great deer!! Gotta love it when the planets line up and a buck stays on his summer feeding pattern. It’s very special to hunt one specific buck and harvest him. Congrats on an awesome buck.

    Kent thompson
    Foreston mn
    Posts: 328

    Congrats Matt what an awesome trophy! Well played! applause

    Allan Davis
    Carlton, MN
    Posts: 415

    dude love the story congrats on your new kid and your new taxidermy bill!!!! I know you saw him on cam for a long time and can only imagine how hard you scouted him. I love that buck I like the character on him. Awesome awesome buck congrats.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    You got him Matt!!!! Well done. Deer season will be relaxing for the rest of the fall…Congrats

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