New Fishing Report added…

  • scottsteil
    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    The Perch bite and walleye bite are still excellent on Waubay. The walleye bite has been pretty consistant this year but from the guys we talked to the perch fishing is really starting to pick up.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I wish I had time to fish it tomorrow night after work. My buddy has an August technique on that lake that is still pretty secret. He pulled 30 fish over 26″ last August in his boat. One fish went over 10lbs. He has offered to take me out, just never enough time in the day.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Speaking of Secret technigues, the suspended trolling bite on Waubay is really taking off. That is from a very reliable source. I am working on getting a few reporters from this area, so we can get good updates. If any of you lurkers are interested, please contact me. It would be really nice to get this SD section going!

    Sioux Falls, SD
    Posts: 10

    Waubay has been decent all summer & it will only get better as we start to cool down. Last fall one my best friends fished it almost everyweekend & would have 100 fish day’s pretty common. Lot’s of fish in the 14.5″ to 15.5″ range but usually everyday will produce at least one over 20″. Fish the road beds & tree lines with plugs or live bait.

    Two weeks ago my fishing partner was up there out of Grenville with 4 guys in the boat. They had their limit of walleye’s & about 20 bonus perch before lunch. They just anchored out off the tree line about 1 mile south of the dock and vertical jigged & slip bobbered. Anyway if you want numbers this is the place to hit. Give it 30 to 45 day’s & it will only get better.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    We were out there this weekend but didn’t fish Waubay. I heard the bite is still very good for walleye and the perch bite continues to get better. I talked to 3 guys that had there limits of each. The perch were very nice. They got all their fish pretty deep. I did’t ask for any specifics, as they didn’t seem to want to give out to much info.

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 34

    have not fished Waubay before. Anyone know of any resorts on the lake where we can rent a boat and stay.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Waubay is a different type of lake. I don’t think there are any actual resorts on the lake, although I rarely get over to the West side by Webster. The fishing is excellent and most people stay in Waubay or Webster at the motels. Most of the motels are set up with fish cleaning, etc.

    Call Sportsmans Cove in Webster at (605) 345-2468, they will be able to help you out I am sure.

    Olivia, MN
    Posts: 22

    If you want size, pickeral and enemy swim are better choices. But like you said waubay can be insane at times. The suspended bite is always worth looking into no matter where you go…trust me. I started picking up on this in my home area and suprisingly found that its hard to find prarie lakes like this and my area without a suspended bite at times. Its nice to have your own pattern no one else is on.

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 34

    thanks for the info guys, I’ll keep it in mind when I go. Am considering going to Osakis or Miltona the end of Sept. Do any of you have any advice on either of these lakes. I know Miltona used to have 13 resorts on it and now is down to 3. Has the fishing let up that much?? More resorts to stay at in Osakis but not sure where to fish it.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m heading back to Watertown for work on Wednesday. I hope to sneak in an evening of fishing on Kampeska or Pelican. Depends on if I can sucker my buddy into taking me out…..

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