Lake Vermillion-Walleye

  • jeff_huberty
    Posts: 4941

    Anyone Fishing the opener?– I can’t believe there are so few threads on this lake.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 354

    That’s because there are no walleyes in that lake.

    Posts: 196

    We will be fishing up there on the opener.. get there friday night and dont come back until the next sunday so have some time for exploring . first opener up there so hope its a good one .if your looking for info on vermillion i can point you to a site that vermillion has more info than lake of the woods and mille lacs combined. message me if you want the website!!

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    What is the site? Dont be afraid to express your opinion

    Posts: 196

    also alot of the lake vermillion guides use this site and right now one of them are doing a open water q&a where you can ask any questions to the guide you want and he will post back and most of the time the other guides will chime in also.

    Posts: 196


    What is the site? Dont be afraid to express your opinion

    learned the hard way on another site not to post web adresses from other fishing forum sites. got kicked out for 30 days for doing it.if you want it message me?

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843



    What is the site? Dont be afraid to express your opinion

    learned the hard way on another site not to post web adresses from other fishing forum sites. got kicked out for 30 days for doing it.if you want it message me?

    As someone who also was booted, take my word when I say you are better off here.

    Not nearly the ego’s over here and most people are at least 12 years old.

    Posts: 974

    I got kicked off that other site last year for bashing a sponsors P.O.S. product and cant get past the home page anymore if i log in
    not that i care

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    if your looking for info on vermillion i can point you to a site that vermillion has more info than lake of the woods and mille lacs combined. message me if you want the website!!

    Post it up. No issues here.

    Posts: 974

    James thats why this site rocks
    if a product sucks or is great or if we find a site with good info we can post it without being kicked off.
    thats the whole point of this site to share what we know,

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    thats the whole point of this site to share what we know,


    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    That’s because there are no walleyes in that lake.

    Ditto, Shhush, Don’t let the word out.

    PS: Per the Guides in another comment, does that refer to Cliff? Used him a few years ago and he was fun and put us on Fish in the Fall.

    SE MN
    Posts: 284

    I have heard the lake is very low this spring. Good luck all.

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 127

    As of a week ago, the lake was down about 2 feet. The normal hazards are all marked, so don’t worry about running in the main areas, but be careful when you get behind island or into bays. One area that I would cut through for years to save a few minutes is a no go right now. It doesn’t take much of a rock to ruin a fishing trip.

    I will be opening on the west end. We have a group that has been doing this for years. Last 4 years have been snowed on, and by Accuweather’s extended forecast, it could happen again this year.

    Stay safe and net a few,

    Webster City, IA
    Posts: 198

    Yup, no walleyes in Lake Vermilion. Just a bunch of stunted bluegills and rusty crayfish. The water on Vermilion is so dirty if you run your boat on it, your motor will never run the same again. The few walleyes you might catch are so full of pollution you are bound to glow in the dark for years after eating them. There is more trash all over the shores of that lake than a landfill. I wouldn’t waste my time on Vermilion. I would stick to the real winners like Mille Lacs and Leech if you want to catch real fish! Um, the fish in my picture was probably the last walleye ever to swim in Vermilion.

    Posts: 24

    i would like to know that website. Ive fished vermilion every opener for the last 5 years. couple years ago the main lake was still froze over. im excited for this year. early ice out should have the fish moving out to the main part of the lake so there will be plenty of areas that are holding fish

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    I am guessing it is I used to go there, but there are many good reasons why I dont anymore.

    It will be our 30th year up on Vermilion. We used to have a place on Big Bay near Bayview, but for the last 15 years, we have rented from various places.

    This year we are staying at Shamrock, right near Fectos Point. If anyone wants to check in on Saturday or get some tips, shoot me a PM.

    I am curious to see what the conditions will be this year with the early ice out and later opener. I am guessing it will be more of a June bite than an opener bite. What does everyone else think?

    Lilydale, MN
    Posts: 3

    I am headed up to the Big V next Thursday, and have fished there the last 6 years over memorial weekend. I am also staying at shamrock, and looking form some info on the current bite. I usually use a lindy with a bead or two, and have had no problems catching walleyes, but with the warm spring I assume the fish are a few weeks ahead of a normal memorial weekend. Any tips on depth, rig, colors, bait would be much appreciated. Thanks for any help in advance.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    There were lots of boats out in the narrows going into Frazer Bay (just NW of Shamrock). We didnt fish there, but it seem to be a good place to catch some fish on the move-we just didnt want to play bumper boats.

    The water temps at the opener were 56-58 degrees. That was a good 10 degrees above average. We couldnt find a fish in shallow water. Any narrows were good, and deeper spots out in Big Bay. We caught a few fish on the big deep flat just west of Cherry Island and the spots where there is 30+’ close to shore on the south side of Pine Island. I expect that bite to go for most of the day.

    In early morning or evening, you might find fish already on the reefs and humps in Big Bay (or other areas) that top out in 10-15′. We cruised through some of those areas and marked a few, but not enough to drop a line. We usually dont start fishing those areas until mid-June.

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