Opener Report

  • Labvolt
    Posts: 30

    Nice week-end of opening fishing.
    3 of us in the boat with lots of warm-gear; Tower area.

    We boated 28 W’s in the first hour and a half (5-6:30AM) on opening morning. Many nice 13-16″ eaters; threw back a few 18″ and one nice 21″. All caught on #5 or 7 shallow-running rapala, trolling about 2.5 mph. Natural colors were best. Chilly temps, but willing fish.

    Sunday was a bit slower. We found more cooperative fish in 15-25 fow; jig and minnow. Still ended up with 12 nice keepers by 10AM.

    More reports next week.

    Sandstone, MN
    Posts: 83

    Hey Labvolt thanks for the report. Glad to see you guys did very well. Unfortunately I wont be heading to V until the end of june. Nice to read the updates.

    prior lake,mn
    Posts: 65

    I’ll be up this weekend, does anyone know the water temp for here or pelican.


    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Surface temp was 49-51F today on the West(Cook) end. Have no info on Pelican

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