Help – lots of questions.

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’ll be coming to fish the Big V on July 18-20. Not looking for specific spots or coordinates, although I’d take them , mostly looking for techniques. We’ll be staying at the Bayview Lodge or very close to there. I know it’s early, but I’m sure you veterans can tell me if it’s a spinner live bait bite, crankbaits etc….. Any info is greatly appreciated!! Feel free to send me a PM if you want to send those coordinates…..LOL

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Forgot one other question, Bayview only has us booked for one night, so we need to find a place to stay that is close to there. Any suggestions for cheap motels??


    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4543

    For all those heading to Vermilion-dont forget to stop at the Hi Hat in Cloquet for great fast burger! Great onion rings too.

    Posts: 61

    Gordies! I usually get a large malt to finish off with a relaxing drive on 53. The old Y Store had huge ice cream cones, 12 flavors! Rumcherry, vanilla, and rumcherry.

    Wterflowler, there are plenty of resorts nearby, There’s a motel in Tower, and the Casino has reasonable rates during the week.

    So many places to try, so many reefs, never enough time. When I get out walleye fishing, I usually drift with a Lindy rig and crawler. With more windy conditions, I’ll drift with spinners. But at that time, I cast for those big muskies.

    Lake Vermilion, Tower, Minnesota
    Posts: 171

    Hey Waterfowler,
    Late July can be a tough time for walleyes, lindys with long snells (4 to 5ft) are good producers.
    A single bead with a #6 red or chartuerce hook seem to work the best. Crawlers are the bait of choice for most anglers but leeches can also be effective.

    Deep mainlake points, reefs and hard bottom flats will produce the best. Depths in the 18′ to 35′ range, are a good place to start.

    For info on lodging, go to

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