I’m curious about all these northerns now. It seems with the large amount forage fish in Vermilion, why don’t the northerns have the same success rate as the muskie fisherie?
I know some northerns are kept to be eaten, but I can’t believe it is that many. I would really like to see larger northerns roaming around. A 40″ northern is also exciting to catch.
On Dumbell Lake, I’ve caught many muskies while jigging for walleyes. Now I hear you guys catching big northerns out crappie fishing. HHMMM, maybe I need to concentrate on a new crappie and walleye rig to entice the big fish.
(“Maybe we can put together a BIG Pike contest for the area and have some fun.
Winners get to have lunch and there photo taken with us, loosers buy it, cook it, serve it up?”)
I’m game, heck, I may even stay back and slowly work those sirloins over hot coals and oak woodchips!