Hi Ace!
What’s shake’en bro?
That Musky banner your talk’en about have my name on it?

Mother where you been Bud?
Seen ya at my front dock when we was puting it in, then never again all season?
Must have called you on that Radio 100 times last spring!
Where ya go man?
Hope Homer J. did not scar ya clean away?
Hell they all got Ace’s number.
They run to the dock like wild fire when ever anyone comes close to the Island in hopes it is him or someone with BEEF!

Must of gotten eat’en up by the Phantom Ski between me & Ace’s place eh?
I have found lots of unmarked stuff over the years and hit some stuff with my Trolling motor to while working a reef or shore line and dragged my skeg on a few things that came up out of no place.

Cruising speed I’m always careful and watching the depth finders for hidden treasure!
Hot Spots map is pretty good for telling or showing people where to find things, but it is a huge lake and there is so much more under the surface that it is to cool.
What you say boys?
That is most of the fun for me really while cruising around doing nothing, fishing or guiding, is looking for and finding stuff that few to no one knows is there.
People who mark the lake do a great job and there are lights to lead the way too.
But Big winds can move markers, so please so do as Ace and Mother mention, Beware and use good sense!
Have fun, but be careful.
As for night fishing, I love it.
Never got lost yet, I’m a natural in the night!
Love to see people’s White knuckles as I burn them back to there home base in the deep dark night!
I love it!
Plus those hounds can find the Island in the darkest, thickest, dead of night Mother Nature can throw at us!

NO fish by my place.