Whats happen’in on Big V

  • clarence_chapman
    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    Hows the fishing action up there?
    Only a week and I will be on the scene.

    First trip of the year and I can’t wait.
    Terry…any report that can help me out?
    Your place is right near the turn off to the point isn’t it?
    I seem to remember a sign on the road with your service on it. Is there one on the lake side so I could find it if I was on the lake? If I have time thought I might stop in and say hello…IF, and I do mean IF, I can drag myself away from all the fish I’m going to catch????

    Lake Vermilion, Tower, Minnesota
    Posts: 171

    Hey Chappy,
    I have been busy guiding mostly for walleye in recent days however, the smallmouth and pike action has been hot as well. The hot walleye action has been deep for the most part. It has been primariy on jigs/minnows however, they are hitting crawlers on lindy rigs also.
    I really haven’t had to much luck with leeches except on slip bobbers late in the day. Trolling cranks in deeper water basin areas has also been effective lately.
    The smallies are slamming! Most are still in some phase of the spawn. I have found them still on the bed in many areas. Cranks, plastics, top waters, spinnerbaits and inline spinners have all been effective.

    I’m at the far west end of Pike bay right next to the houseboats. There isn’t a sign on the lake however, I have a yellow dock with an American flag on it, can’t miss it.
    Have a safe trip up, maybe I’ll see ya out there.

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    Sounds good to me!!!!!!!!
    We should be up in your area about 9 or 10 am Weds. Do you have a guideing appointment? Maybe we can stop by and say hello on our way through.
    Wife is looking for a bigger Pike than the last trip so we’ll be hunting for a 30″ or bigger. Would love to get the daughter into the smallmouth action. Think I finally got a handle on cranks deep. Have been doing alright down here on the river with them on 3-ways. Seems they have been producing better than long lining.
    Where’s a good spot to fish panfish? Sunfish in particular.
    That’s a good beer drinking activity…..But than again when isn’t it a good time for a beer.
    Hope to see ya. And thanks for the update.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I’m finally getting him turned over to having a couple when just lounging in the boat!!!!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Took 5 eyes this morning in 2 hours trolling cranks in 18′-20′ of water. Surface temp was 57F and it was spitting rain. Largest fish was a 26 incher caught by my wife. This was her biggest eye ever. What a trooper!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Here she is with her 26 inch Eye!

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    Was pretty blinking cold up there when we arrived on Weds. And Thursday wasn’t much better. Glad I brought some of the heavy clothes. 35 degrees at night. BBRRRRR! Daughter really trooped it out in the tent. We caught a lot of small ones. Eyes that is. Probably 5 or 6 to every 15 inch. We trolled all weekend. Yesterday (Sat) was the best of the days. We primarily fished at the entrance to greenwood bay. We noticed that the gulls were feeding real heavy right off the point there was only 1 boat in the area anchored. So we go trolling by opps. Got one my daughter says. 4 times we went past those guys under the gulls and 4 times we caught keeper eyes. I didn’t notice if they caught any or not. 12 feet of water seemed the best. Using rattle traps, And I have to tell ya the wife definitely picked the right one. (It’s the prettiest). Fire tiger color. She out fished everything else I had in the box 3 to 1. Northerns were also in abundance. Biggest being 26.5″.Caught by none other than the wife. Missed her goal by 4″. We’ll try again in August. I have a pick of one of our catchs and will post it when I get a chance. If it weren’t for the cold….Rain….wind it wouldn’t have been a fishing trip anyways. Turning the heater on at the end of June. Who would have thought.
    Remember the clues to where the fish are biting aren’t always in the water. Look up…..But not for too long.

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    Here’s one of our catchs

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    Here’s a shot with those 2 guys in the background

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    My daughter caught this slimer on a tube jig fishing for sunnies

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4543

    FYI-I am NOT accusing you of anything. But the new pike regs are in effect. All pike 24-36″ must be released. It looks like your biggest is just under the slot.

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    Ya I know that reg was in effect last year when I was up there. We through back a few really nice ones. That one was close but legal.

    However I almost did forget about that reg when we caught our first bigger one.
    Thanks for the reminder tho.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4543

    I like the new regs. I think that Vermilion can handle having some big pike along w/ the great musky fishery.

    The only reason that I brought it up is that each year I need to remind people in our party about it. And each year they act like they have never heard it before.

    Everyone seems to remember special eye regs, but other species’ special regs seem harder to remember.

    I wish I could make it up the Vermilion more, I love that lake!!!!!!

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