Late July 4th report

  • onestout
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    We spent the week of the 4th on Lake Vermilion with big plans to fish and explore all over. We actually ended up only fishing a couple hours a day and spending the rest of the day in the water or relaxing at the cabin, I guess it was a “family” vacation after all.

    I received a lot of good advice from posts and PM’s which was a good thing because communication was a bit limited up there. Overall even with the limited fishing time I/we were able to get a couple eyes every day with a mix of big ones and eaters.

    Ended up with 6 or so over 23″ with the biggest just over 27″ that came on Brad’s kids pole (they really don’t put a very good drag on those). Had the best luck using leeches from Matt’s Lucky bait with a few coming in on crawlers. Also put up a pick of a Musky that was hanging out under the dock all week.

    Thanks again for the help.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Great pics of the family and some nice fish. Looks like a great time!


    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Nice of Brad and the wife to let you hold their fish

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