Hats off to BfishN Tackles H20 Precision jigs for simply Dominating Rainy Lake walleyes AGAIN yesterday. The longer shank on this hook really helps with angler hook-ups. I truly believe this is the most advanced jig on the market today with universal applications in my tackle box. Whether your fishing a jig and minnow like we employed yesterday, plastics, or lacing up a crawler this “Walleye Killer” just flat out gets it done on the water. Big difference between catching fisherman, and catching fish these days.
We really put the heat to the walleyes again yesterday basically working two different pods of walleyes. Almost equal amounts of slots, eaters, and smaller fish all in the same locations with minimal travel required by the “Daze Heatseeker”!!
No TANKS yesterday, but a few “Ho-Hum” 24’s with the biggest taping a respectable 25.5 inches.
The Summer bite is on like DONKEY KONG!! As predicted earlier look for a great summer bite to trigger one heck of a big Tank Fall bonanza!! Leave your feathered friends alone this October, and lets beat on the big footballs of Rainy Lake!!