Border regulations on Rainy River/Lake of the Woo

  • Yar88
    Posts: 9

    Was up fishing sturgeon this past weekend (4/24, 25/10) and according to my Lake Master Lake of the Woods chip most of the fishermen were fishing on the Canadian side of the border? Does anyone know how the Canadian officials monitor the border once on the water? Several people indicated if you are on the “US side” of the channel you will be OK even if the GPS indicates the US boundary is outside the channel boundaries (like in The Gap) area. I also heard the Canadians closed sturgeon fishing in Canada this year making anyone fishing on the Canadian side illegal if they caught a fish, and many did. Just want to know the real rules?

    The Gap was very active Saturday AM with most boats catching at least one sturgeon early then it shut down. Sunday was very slow in the same area even though many fish were being marked in the channel.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    My expierence with the canadian officials has always been an imaginary line right down the middle of the river. They come driving up the river in a small boat and mark which boats are clearly fishing the canadian side. This is a boat that is clearly fishing on canadian waters, usually closer to shore vs out in the middle of the channel. I am assuming this is done to prevent any fight in court to prove they were or were not fishing on the candian side.

    Yes canada did close the sturgeon fishing this year. I never worry about what side of the river I am fishing for the spring walleye run because I will purchase a remote border pass as well as a ontario fishing license. 70 bucks I believe for both is much better than looking over your shoulder all day wondering if your in canadian waters…

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    I heard reliable reports that the Canada enforcement has range finders. They can range both shores and easily confirm and document “center” of the waterway. I choose to error on the side of caution.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    My question is….In front of the landing,There are weeds and then open water on the otherside again. Is it the middle of the channal that everyone fishes, Or is it somewhereout in the weeds? It didn’t show a line on my GPS as it did up by Clementson.I don’t think I’ve ever seen a boat with Canadian “officials” it while I’ve been there.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3887


    I heard reliable reports that the Canada enforcement has range finders.

    Eh… bouot how far da ya tink dat bout der is from da borda. EH?

    Posts: 9269



    I heard reliable reports that the Canada enforcement has range finders.

    Eh… bouot how far da ya tink dat bout der is from da borda. EH?

    You must either be from Canada or you drink Canadian beer because that was right on.

    Posts: 5660

    First off purchasing a Lakemaster chip could potentially save you a hefty fine should you mistakingly find yourself in “Maple Syrup” land without proper paperwork. As Cal mentioned eariler a RABC card and Canadian fishing license can really open up the river for an angler, and IMO is a great investment.

    Without RABC cards I’d personally stay on the US side of the “Invisible line” based on my GPS mapping. I’d error on the side of caution also. If I felt like I wanted/needed to straddle the line then I’d be sure I have the proper paperwork as a insurance policy at the very least which I always keep up to date.

    You always will see guys cheating the system, and often times they’ll get away with it, but when they don’t it can really really ruin a fishing experience!!

    Not sure if I understand the philosophy of Canada closing the sturgeon season or not on the “Other Half”??

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