I’ve had several inquiries in regards to my decision to go GLASS for my guide boat. A number of individuals have wondered what has led me to the WX2100 as well as Skeeter, and moreover the Skeeter Boat Center. Thought I’d try explain why I’ve felt the Deep V Series WX2100 Skeeter was the perfect match for me on Rainy Lake.
As a fishing guide I have groups looking to target all species of fish from the day of the “Ice Sheet Retreat” to the “slush up” in late fall. I fish shallow protected bays, and angry big water. I troll plugs, backtroll rigs, drift, anchor, fan cast, work shorelines from the bow, and finesse jigs while operating the boat from the transom. We transport customers on 60 mile roundtrips on calm, and angry waters. We have kids, families, elderly, hardcore anglers, first timers, groups of 5, and individual anglers…….
With the vast diversity of fishing styles the Deep-V series coupled with a full windshield was the perfect match for both my guide service, and family. Anyone running their boat spring or fall on big borderland waters will quickly realize the importance of a full windshield. a windshield keeps your eyes from freezing open for one. The nice protected cockpit allows customers to absorbe the tranquil setting of Voyageurs National Park while sipping on their morning coffee. The 21 feet in length allows me to span bigger waves with less pounding on not only my back, but my customers. The added width in the cockpit allows me to fly around with the net, and assist customers without knocking people in the water. I’m often asked what the biggest challenges are as a full-time fishing guide. That answer is easy for me; Weather and Equipment, and not necessarily in that order. When you run into a bad hair week for “MOTHER NATURE” where you get a week or two stretch of high winds and nasty weather it can be extremely trying on your body while working hard to keep customers in the best possible position to catch trophy fish. How many anglers have been overmatched on their family vacation with angry weather. You learn from guiding day in and day out your cannot plan around weather…..You just prepare to deal with it. In the past years my back would be increasingly sore from the flat out BEATDOWN I’d take transporting back and forth, and the blue collar work of precision backtrolling in “Big Tin” would flat out wear out most Olympic athletes let alone a Rainy Lake fishing guide!! So for me the best ride I can have or (Best Office space) is crucial. It needs to operate through the best and worst conditions, and that clearly lead me to Yamaha perfomance. The unparalled smooth, dependable and powerfull performance of the Yamaha product line made the pairing of a Skeeter product with Yamahas performance very attractive 2 years ago when beginning talks with the SBC. Being out of the water is simply not an option for most fishing guides, and staying in warranty seemed to make perfect sense as we all know what a stomache ache you can get when your big motor heads to the shop out of warranty. As a fishing guide it is even worse as your now out income as well as building a big tab up with your local mechanic.
In this day and age from this point on Customer service needs to be beyond excellent to be sure your boat is rigged, and molded to fit your needs. It took 1 conversation with Dave Marquart the (OWNER of the SBC) for me to realize he sincerely wanted my boat to be as perfect as he could make it for myself and family. He wanted to be certain the finished product would make myself, family and customers smile!! It took me nearly 2 years to get tomorrows Glass pouring party started. With that being said I kick myself for not doing it last year. We’ve all been there before. My mentality was I had a good boat that is getting a little bit older each year, but a good boat dang it!! I’m going to run it for another year, cross my fingerss, and hold down my monthly costs in a tough economy. Seldom in my life has this holding on one more year been a good decision especially when it is such a critical ingrediant to a fishing guides success. The whole year I wished I would have jumped to the Skeeter, and last year the normal repairs for my increasingly older boat added up each month leaving an all too obvious small desperity of operating cost between my dream boat, and “Ole realiable”……Which is no longer so reliable. We went to battle 5 years, and had a long history together no doubt. When I looked at the advancements in the whole boat industry from my best of the best Tin Lund Fisherman Magnum several years ago to the new age Glass Walleye boat I was a bit disgusted I didn’t jump earlier. My boat was worth less now in trade, in for repairs, and I didn’t take the promotion for a nicer office space when it was pretty clear it was the right decision!! What was I thinking. Conservative
?? As it turns our both Conservative and Frugal thinking were likely the least cost effective ways of the economical decisions of a new boat for me in the long run. So live and learn. My Brand New 2010 WX2100 Walleye series Skeeter will be born tomorrow. It is going to be completely rigged at the Skeeter Boat Center with the care of the that excellent team of anglers. The Skeeter Boat Center is going to break in that new 250 Yami 4-Stroke, and deliver it to Rainy Lake. RUKIDDING ME?? That is what I’m talking about.
So beyond that here is why I’m amped about this “Fish Slaying” heat seeking, Molded Sparkling boat. Cheryl and I were able to design a flat out beautiful Laser red design that looks absolutely amazing with the guidance of Dave. Trust me I won’t likely BLEND well, but who really wants to blend?? Live life guys!! The interior storage in this boat is unmatched. The modern day angler has a ridiculous amount of gear to be stowed away. A big tackle/rod selection, Anchors, ropes, Rain Gear, Captains equipment, extra life jackets, Bait, coolers, Shore lunch gear, batteries……. Having this equipment safely and securely packed away leaving a clean, and uncluttered floorplan is awesome. So Storage……..CHECK!!!
I’ve chose to add the Oxygenater, Terrova 101, Yamaha 4 stroke kicker, Troll master, Marine Radio, Sirius Docking station (GO CHERYL!!), rod holders, Bike seat, front keel guard, Humminbird dash/front/back electronics with side imaging. In this day and age of competitive fishing not having a properly rigged boat will either make fishing a bit more difficult, or less efficient, and probably both. I feel confident that the Skeeter Boat Center has gone far far far out of their way to ensure this customized package is best suited for my family and business. For that I applaud
the Team at Skeeter in this day and age to take the extra steps when so many are cutting corners. This model of customer service coupled with a dominate product line will surely lead to dominance in the market place.
In closing I’d like to share a story I’ve shared with so many about the light bulb going on for me. Last year James and I were filming a show for Rainy Lake Houseboats. Which was absolutely an amazing trip by the way, and not anything like work!! LOL!! But my wife the “Fishing Queen” was unable to get the day off work, so I woke early to run her back 36 miles roundtrip to and from the public landing by our home. We had some pre-front winds rolling the Rainy lake waters, and I was on a bit of a timeline to get filming. We didn’t baby our way in boys, and we took a flat out BEATDOWN!! Now this is in a 21ft Lund Fisherman Magnum bruising boat. Once thought of as the biggest and baddest boat for the “UP NORTH” big water angler. My wife was literally getting back spasms, and had a tough time staying in her seat, while I fortunately had white knuckles on the steering wheel!! When I dropped her off I quickly turned the tin back east. I lit it up busting through the back channels before entering the now even more angry waters. I can remember chanting to myself “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT” I literally hit some waves so hard I thought I’d launch myself through the windshield. I was WEARING my life jacket!! I could hit 4 out of 5 waves right, but that 5th one was a the Widow-Maker”……THE CLOSER!! When finally arriving in our protected harbor surely I was staggered to the houseboat surely looking a bit windblown, and frazzled!! LOL!! I questioned James decision on actually bringing the camera gear out, and filming let alone catching fish in the perfect storm. James kind of smiled at me, and said lets go Daze!! Now keep in mind James was in the WX1950 last year which is obviously not as long as the WX2100. I had to see this for myself as this glass boat was surely going to have our buddy Mark the camera man launched out of the boat when we turned the corner. I braced myself as James dropped the hammer down on the 225 Yami, and a mere second later we were lightly chattering across the big and angry east end of Rainy Lake. I literally didn’t need to even hold on, and was able to take sips of coffee without getting the Homer simpson hot coffee splash!! I know James could easily see the flat out amazement in my face as we settled into our first fishing spot. That was likely “THE MOMENT” that The Deep-V Series WX2100 was no longer a want, but a need . I’ve ridden in friends Ranger boats, and guided out of friends Skeeter 1850, and I can tell you whatever Skeeter has done with that hull design it just flat out rides like a dream, and handles like a big water cadillac.
With this being said Skeeter has a wide variety of products to match the needs of each individual angler. For me this was the perfect match. Performance, storage, precision control, ride, and flat out beautiful. By the way although I failed to mention it the snap out carpet in the cockpit………
Thanks guys!! You’ve made my job, and fishing more fun and efficient!!