Thank You VNP (Voyageurs National Park)

  • RLOS5700
    Posts: 1

    I hope this an appropriate post – All of us here @ Rainy Lake (especially us Bait Shop Owners) owe a big thank you to VNP for the new expanded ice road – In years past the park would plow up to Cranberry Bay (when conditons allowed) This Year they worked overtime expanded the ice road and looped around Dryweed Island. That opens up a lot of new places to get out and fish (and other recreation to) The expanded road system allows you to get much farther up the lake without the use of snow machine. Where else can you drive on a US government endorsed Ice road at no charge. Thus we now have a lot more opportunities – Great guides to get you out in the wildnerness and to the fish. The Great private maintained road system on Sand Bay with house rental and the VNP ice road system.

    Steve Lindberg – Rainy Lake One Stop

    Posts: 5660

    Hi Steve!!

    Welcome to the Posting side of In Depth Outdoors Steve. Voyageurs National Park continues to go above and beyond the call of duty making Rainy Lake the “Go To” destination all seasons. I believe next year we’ll likely see even a greater impact if the newly designed road system is once again looped around Dryweed Island. Many anglers will soon become aware that we have yet another road system leading to fantastic fishing destinations. Mike W. and Jim H. are a major assets to our area, and continue to pave the way for visitors of our wonderful park system. Having a National Park in our backyard really makes Rainy Lake a dream destination only a short 5 hour shot from the Twin Cities Metro area!!

    I’d also like to thank you Steve, and Laura for the smiles every morning. Your team continues to be a breath of fresh air!!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Welcome aboard. Always like reading about the local happenings up there!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey! Welcome to the posting side of Ido Steve!

    Now tell me, when Chris comes in the One Stop in the morning, is he wound up before he has his coffee or after?

    I’ve never been up to your area post some photos when you have a chance. I would love to see what it’s all about!

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Welcome to IDO Steve. I will be up in your area in early March for some fishing…I will be sure to drop in and say hello.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Welcome to IDO, Steve.

    Rainy Lake One Stop looks like a pretty cool place.

    Posts: 16

    Completely agree with you the ice road is awesome. The management team at VNP has been very active in making new visitor friendly enhancements (campsites, day use sites, houseboat mooring sites, and now large extension of the ice roads). Winter visitation will only grow with the additional infrastructure. Thank you for all you do, the links you provide to our local businesses is awesome. The chubs were well trained today, keep up the good work!

    Billy Dougherty
    Rainy Lake Houseboats
    [email protected]

    Posts: 5660

    Hey Billy,

    Get some nice fish today?? Would have loved to come along with you and Joey, but Just had to get some junk done!! Thats it though…….Just fishing from here on out!!! Cool new website launch!!

    Posts: 52

    Yes, congrats VNP for making this road. Was able to utilize it last week and it was AWESOME!!

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Sounds good, now it’s finding the time.
    Between yourself, Chris Granrud and the VNP you guys do a heck of a job promoting your area

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Welcome Steve. I look forward to gettin up that way & will stop in & say good mornin

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