Backlash from Coast Guard enforcing the LAW

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    As I sit here in my office I am hesitant to even invest the time or energy into the following matter, yet deem it worthy of a few words while taking a stand for my personal peace of mind as well as the future business of all choosing to guide for money. Recently in borderland as in many areas across the state the United States Coast Guard has been making visits to local fishing guides and resorts. Those unaware of this apparently have been living in some sort of bubble. In many areas of the state including but not limited to…The Mississippi river, Kab, Vermillion, Crane…..guides are being requested to produce proper paperwork. I was personally told fishing guides with websites can count on being contacted when our local paper called me while out fishing a few weeks back, and requested my opinion on the matter. I had 2 officers stop by my families home not long ago in which they checked my TWIC card, Random Drug Test Card, Captains license, and insurance information….. I was happy to show it, and more relieved that I invested the time pursuing proper licensing, and organizing it for easy access should this day come to fruition. These officers were cordial, and very friendly, furthermore in my mind were simply doing a job they were sent to do. They have elected to take certain steps enforcing a select few requirements which has fishing guides conforming to a set of standards that we as leaders in the industry have all been made aware of. Some of the reasons for current interest in these rules and regualations in my mind likely revolves around homeland security…….. just a guess, but seems to make sense concerning the TWIC CARD. Some individuals have apparently willfully decided to sidestep some of these requirements bestowed upon them as a business or individual. Recently I have been a victim of a viscous, and slanderous rumor that I referred US Coast Guard officers to a local business in this town. In doing so I in some way have been rumored to have cost that business a group of paying fisherman. I am currently trying to contact the proper Coast Guard officials to have the record set straight for those apparently ignorant enough to judge, accuse, and be associated in such slanderous activities without accurate information. I look forward to the day of reckoning where the truth is to be told, and am taking this attack very personally. With that being said I also think it might seem strange some individuals are misdirecting anger towards anyone besides the individal not choosing to not follow the LAW, and that to me seems immoral. I challenge those individiual to take a stand publicly here in this town that you do not think it is important to be properly licensed while fishing. I also must point out the obvious for most that a 1 page article in our local paper giving the beatdown to the Coast guard by this individual might have lead to a thorough investigation of proper credentials??????? WOW!!!! In my mind it would be like calling local police officials out, and then speeding through town. Hey ya suppose ya might get a ticket out of it?? RUKIDDING ME???????? Would anyone expect to get out of the ticket?? What world are you living in??

    Now to set the record straight I in no way had any participation in this individual/resort being met with, and laugh at the thought that I have such a super power anyway!! I think it is ridiculous that those who choose to follow the the law take the beatdown for anothers underhanded practices IF that is what has taking place. Although I might not agree with some of the requirements set forth by the US Coast Guard I DO BELIEVE we need to follow the letter of the law….. END OF STORY!! With that being said I’ve always mowed my own grass, and let others take care of their own if they choose. There is a HUGE WAVE around the state as I type this where local “Joe SCHMO” fishing guides are being held accountable to a set of standards. I WILL GO ON RECORD STATING THAT I HAVE NO ISSUE WITH THIS. Contractors, Bars, Restaurants, Bait Shops, Doctors, Dentists…..ALL NEED PROPER LICENSING. Yet apparently some running these business’s apparently think they can play by there own rules when it comes to the fishing as a business. I would be willing to bet those business’s might be a bit protective of their own industry. Are some of these licenses we carry a bit repetitive in my mind???….Probably, but it is what it is, and 99% of the guys I know follow the LAW you know why… BECAUSE IT IS THE LAW!!! I don’t have the time or energy to fight a requirement, and have found it much easier to CONFORM. Heck I’m way to busy catching fish!!! I also think it is a blow to the fishing industry when a fishing guide thinks there shouldn’t be some rules and regulations followed for the overall safety of customers lives we place in our hands on a day to day basis. I also think there is huge risk being ignored when individuals choose to not be properly licensed/insured should an accident take place under their watch, but I’m wise enough to know looking over your shoulders for enforcement might be getting old, and that in itself is a penalty self imposed by those not investing a little bit of time in money to their personal business. If I am told I need to fish with a red shirt you can bet there will be a whole closet full of red Rainydaze Shirts!! It is what it is. From an individual likely responsible for more fishing business than ANY 1 individual in this town over the past 4 years I am disgusted with these false assumptions that I detracted business when the truth of the matter can clearly be traced that just the opposite is clearly the case.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5753

    Hey Chris,

    I think everyone on this site appreciates both your skill as a guide and angler as well as your boundless enthusiasm for what you do. Don’t let them get you down. Always remember:

    “Illigimatti Non Carborundum”


    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    The law is the law. Personally I like to drive 85 mph on the freeway. That said, I get caught I don’t blame anybody else.

    Just do what you do, let the others do what they do. Always take the high road and do things right.

    You are building a following here and we will support you… long as you follow the high road.

    Posts: 9321

    I have never met you, but you put yourself out there as a top notch guide and all around good guy. I think that some people feed off of the drama. Don’t let it get to you. Just do what you need to do to take care of yourself and you will come out ahead.

    Jeff Bennett
    Lake Puckaway Wi.
    Posts: 1180

    Well said and good to hear there are others that play by the rules.

    From Jeff

    Iowa, Knoxville
    Posts: 525

    “Give Em Hell Chris”

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    Hang in there. You are doing what is right. The laws are there to protect everyone. You sound like a top notch individual. You have my/our support.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Typical response from those that get caught without the proper licensing. Same “stuff” has happened here on the river and I remember telling Dustin right after we left the testing center… “you watch, someone will get caught without the licensing and they’ll blame those of us with the licensing for turning them in.” Sad to say I was right. But I guess it goes without saying that those that would try to run without the proper licensing would also blame others for their pickle when they got caught while doing so.

    As for this clown in I’falls that is trying to rile up the locals and make his lack of professionalism and foresight your issue… I know you have to live there and he’s likely tried to get people to choose sides… but really, anyone that would take this guy’s word as gospel just isn’t someone you’re going to want to have over for dinner or work with anyway.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It’s amazing to me.

    Truckers have to have a commercial license and if they get caught without one, do they blame a licensed driver?

    Damn! If these guys would spend less time spreading rumors and whining they could have their own license.

    Somethings are just backwards.

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    I totally agree with a Chris. I have recieved hand written letters stating that I too have started all this and told me that I should watch my back.A threat that I could take to court becuase I am 100% sure know who wrote the letters. Is it worth it, dont think so. All I am trying to do is follow the rules. I even called every guide in the area and told them if they know any guides to have them come to a class I had set up in Alma. Dustin Stewart, James Holst, Lorren Waalken, Myself, my dad, Greg Vandemark, John Stears, Marty Hahn were some of the locals that took the class with me. We all thought it was important to follow the new rules. Did we like it, NO. But it was we had to do. Times are changing and new changes are always hard.

    Posts: 5660

    Thank you all for your support, and thanks to the many sending me PM’s on this touchy issue. I couldn’t let it slide anymore when this individual coaxed people to send me personal emails threating me and my business, but unfortunately things went too far. Seems odd people would support that too.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Like mentioned before “Joe Schmo” (the people above the law) is everywhere, these people seem to be the ones that have no recourse for there actions and everything that goes wrong for them is someone else’s fault. These are the same individuals that send there kids off to school for someone else to raise so they cam blame a system for there troubled children.

    You be the man Mr. Daze, having everything at the finger tips and knowing the law to the letter, puts you and the other guides that follow the law into a standard above all others
    To me, it would be common since when looking to hire a guide, check and make sure the guide has all there T’s crossed and I’s dotted. It would assure me that I am getting a guide which has done there homework. Well if an individual has done his home work with the paper work just imagine the home work that person has done in the field to insure clients they are getting the best for there dollar
    Some shmuck who is to lazy to even get his proper paper work in hand or worry about the law, well…how much could they care about a client? Not much I’m sure, for them it has to be all about the dollar and not the service.

    Keep your head held high Chris, you are on the high road my friend


    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Thanks for telling us your side. I just read the article in the Star Tribune by Dennis Anderson a week ago.

    From that article it appeared and sounds true that the Coast Guard was & is pulling out all stops in locating and informing ALL Guides of the Law and requirements to be Licensed.

    Dennis Anderson<<

    Until I read that, I did not know of these requirements.

    We in a group of 12-18 guys do annual trips using a Guide to get to know the areas for a day or two. All have been very good at fishing but not always upfront with fees, such as Oh, Ya, Gas used is extra. Our fault for not getting it all in writing, but then again my friend that arranged it was always trying to cut costs. I would not doubt that some have not been licensed in the past.

    I will be sure in the future to verify we use a licensed guide.

    Thanks again and thanks for taking the high road. It’ll pay off in the end.

    Posts: 3681


    Thank you all for your support, and thanks to the many sending me PM’s on this touchy issue. I couldn’t let it slide anymore when this individual coaxed people to send me personal emails threating me and my business, but unfortunately things went too far. Seems odd people would support that too.

    Have you contacted a legal rep to have this nipped in the bud?

    Posts: 97

    I do not have the time to get all wordy. In my humble opinion as someone who has hired you in the past and considers you a friend this is a joke. The slander that is revolving through the I Falls Cesspool of gossip is absurd.
    Your professionalism, business acumen, all around good nature, and dang good stick is what gives you your reputation, thereby making the idea that you need to eliminate competition a serious but laughable situation, unfortunately in such a small setting those who are not “working” on the business end of things are usually those who are not as successful and cannot figure out why. It is those same individuals who will blame others for there own shortcomings.

    Perhaps I will rename I Falls “Dallas”, “Falcon Crest” or simply “56649”

    international falls, mn
    Posts: 47

    ive lived here for just under 2 years and i love it up here!!! yet in saying that, i laughed at your falcon crest comment!! lol!!! its very true and people that live here will tell you if someone doesnt know what really happend, they have been known to speculate and make it the gosple…i really dont think its different in any small towns though…more people just need to “WATCH THEIR OWN BOBBERS”!!! i have talked with the accused guide who got a vist by the coast gaurd…he told me he doesnt know if he was turned in or if it was random…so in my opinion it has been compleatly blown out of proportion by everyone else locally…just my opinion…and i am entitled to that…hopefully without backlash…we are fortunate to have some of the best fishing guides on the planet up here…and yes chris is definatly in that catagory!!! and a stand up guy…now GO FISH!!!

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 332

    In the referenced newspaper article, it specifically stated Minnesota “rivers”. Does that mean if you look for a Mille Lacs guide they do NOT require any lisense/certification?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    In the referenced newspaper article, it specifically stated Minnesota “rivers”. Does that mean if you look for a Mille Lacs guide they do NOT require any lisense/certification?

    Maybe? There’s some major grey area there. Mille Lacs is located within Ceded Territory and all ceded territory falls under federal jurisdiction. Boats for hire on waters that fall under federal jurisdiction technically would be required to have the same licensing. Several of us asked this question during our training and the Captain giving the test didn’t have an answer for us but left things at a strong “maybe.” Only time will tell.

    Posts: 5660

    Well…….I’m sure glad the person initiating this pile of Monkey crap has seemingly decided he doesn’t know if I turned him in or it was random. LOL!!! Pretty Interesting in my book . Maybe there was a Slander 101 class being taught locally?? Or maybe just maybe the TRUTH somehow squeeked it’s way through that stinky pile of monkey crap. Either way It is tough to take back the personal attacks,Slander, and Threats my family and I endured over this matter. Still I want to applaud those taking a stand for integrity . The world NEEDS more like you. There are a lot of class guys and gals on this site, and for that matter in this town. We have many good friends we are so fortunate to have met, and in no way do I want to stereotype a community. There are some bad apples like everywhere. I refuse to be drug down and beaten in the back alley. NOW………LETS FISH!! My guess for those interested in future developments that there will be a movement for all being properly licensed, and playing by the rules. In all honesty 99% of the guides here are great fisherman, and jump through all the proper hoops to run their guide business. Although I’m one of the more vocal ones I haven’t talked to any that condone improper licensing while taking customers out on the magnificent fishery here on Rainy Lake. I believe there is a meeting to take place between the National Park Service,United States Coast Guard, CVB, and possibly a representative from the local sportfishing club. My guess would be this could be a heated debate over many issues, and I am in hopes CLARITY might prevail for all. Our National Park Service is under new leadership, and the chain of command from top to bottom is doing a great job!!

    Posts: 97

    “The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents.”

    Salvador Dali

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Chris, post the meeting time, day and time when you get it. I would like to sit in and see if enforcement is coming to Namakin, Kabatogama, Crane and others or if they are just going after the high user bodies of water.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Chris and others.

    I was talking with a friend in Tx about what’s happening throughout our state.

    This was posted last May.

    Guys, it’s not just here….Time to go….FISHING!

    Posts: 5660

    Hey Brian,

    The meeting tomorrow isn’t open to the public. They are hoping to have a meeting open to the Captains here on Rainy Lake, and possibly others as well. I’ll keep you posted.

    I know they’ve checked the boys on Crane, Kab and I believe Namakan as well.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Chris and others.

    I was talking with a friend in Tx about what’s happening throughout our state.

    This was posted last May.

    Guys, it’s not just here….Time to go….FISHING!

    Get that from a fairly reliable source did ya’, BK, or did you just hear about it in the bar?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    A bait shop that sold off sale.

    I. Falls
    Posts: 12

    Unlike Chris, I would not run out and buy some red shirts if Coast Guard decided they were required.

    The requirement for Coast Guard permits on Rainy is the main reason I have no desire to guide up here.

    Long before 9-11, when I was guiding on the Wisconsin River, the Coast Guard decided I needed one of their permits! Now the river is not under Federal jurisdiction nor is it “navigable” except for the last little section that dumps into Mississippi River. There are half a dozen dams (none with locks) between where I guided and the Mississippi.

    They sent me a letter similar to the Texoma notice posted above. I called the Coast Guard and raised a stink. What do they offer me as a guide? Do they plan on posting a boat on the Wisconsin River that will help in case of emergency? (no – of course not.) All they had done is contact every licensed guide in Wisconsin that might possibly guide on the Great Lakes or any river. They never checked to see which areas they really have jurisdiction over. I tried to explain that the river was not navigable and NOT under their jurisdiction. All to no avail. I told them I would not take their classes nor buy their permits and if they didn’t like it, they could take me to court. Never happened.

    I finally tracked down a federal law that specifically exempts the upper Wisconsin River from Federal (Coast Guard) jurisdiction. But even under the definition of “navigable” the Wisconsin R. is exempt. The Coast Guard must think they are back in the days of Father Marquette when you could take a canoe all the way up the Wisconsin from the Mississippi.

    Seems like if the Coast Guard is going to enforce their rules they should maintain a presence locally to HELP when folks have an emergency. Handing out fines, but no help when you need it – such a deal.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    There is plenty of Coast Guard presence up there. I see them all the time.

    I believe you fish the Canadian side anyway so there would not be much call for your services from the US side anyway.

    It’s a choice everybody who guides must make. And in turn a choice every customer must make. Hire a legal or illegal guide.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I told them I would not take their classes nor buy their permits and if they didn’t like it, they could take me to court. Never happened.

    To be honest I wouldn’t expect them to run out and track you down. There’s almost no real enforcement here on the Mississippi River, either.

    The reason so many of us got the licensing here was not because we felt an incredible need to comply for the sake of compliance… we felt a huge obligation to our clients to be properly licensed AND insured.

    Without the proper licensing you CANNOT be insured. Oh sure, an insurance company will write you a policy… but come a day when the poo hits the fan and someone breaks an ankle getting out of your boat or worse… that insurance company is going to take a hard look at the circumstances before paying out on an large claim. I’ve had this discussion with multiple agents. If I file a claim for an accident that took place while I was conducting business without the proper licensing required to do that job… that claim will NEVER get paid. And then my primary obligation, the obligation I have to myself and my family goes unfulfilled.

    Do I agree with the reasons for the licensing requirements? Nope. But that’s almost besides the point. Many of us felt that to be a real guide, a professional guide… we simply had to get the license. Period. End of story. If I’ve got a huge issue with the requirements I can fight those in my spare time but I’ll be licensed while I do it if I’m going to be taking money from people in exchange for guide services.

    The best part of this whole debate, regardless of whether you are for or against the licensing, is that this open discussion is educating those that would book guide trips with guides on the Rainy, WI River or elsewhere as to the existence of such requirements for guides. And that puts the ball in the customer’s court to ask for verification of needed licenses, insurance, etc.

    Posts: 5660

    Very Well Said James. Big fish time!! Cool out there this morning. Definately going to be an insulated bibs boatride.

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