OK………Not being afraid (OR LEARNING MY LESSON)about tackling controversial subjects HERE GOES!! Throughout my fishing career I have witnessed first hand hundreds of walleyes killed via “Lindy Rig”. This method of fishing continues to be a very effective way to boat fish, and for that I will not argue. With that being said with restrictive slots being imposed on many fisheries I believe this method of fishing needs to be addressed. Yesterday as an example I personally caught 3 different walleyes with line sticking out of there mouth and hooks embedded in there stomache. Will that fish live?? Who knows?? What I do know is that contrary to supporters of the method….Most often when fishing a crawler or leech 99% of anglers feed line when feeling a pick up allowing the fish to quickly inhale the bait. This method very often has the fish hooked in a bad spot, and has anglers fighting the fish pulling the stomache out of the mouth. I hope in my era of fishing that anglers accept this to be TRUTH, and quit floating fish. I’ve seen many many many floating slot fish, and in the days of keeping all fish NO BIG DEAL as you can just box them. In the modern era of basically cathing and releasing the VAST majority of the fish caught this is very irresponsible, and I believe needs to be dealt with. No slot is nearly effective if this is taking place. I’ve taken the initiative in my boat to BAN lindy rigging (EVEN IN TOUGH BITES). I know many of my friends feel the same. I hope in the modern day of angling we put the future of our fisheries importance level higher than an anglers daily catch. With that being said to this day I have seldom seen a condition in which I have been unable to effectively boat fish without long lining a lindy rig. I challenge anglers to fish a tough condition with other methods. This may involve toning down a presentation, and learning other techniques. I truly believe that this will be addressed in the future, and if so will have 100% of my support. We all strive to catch fish today, and all hope to be able to catch fish tomorrow!! So do these guys!! Take it upon yourself to ensure a prosperous future of our beloved sport!!

Posts: 5660
July 23, 2009 at 3:21 pm