Thanks Otter Outdoors!!

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    From filming, to guiding, to fishing with friends…. As our Ice fishing Season starts…(STARTS) to wind down (June???) I’m putting a couple of my Otter portables away. Couldn’t help but to ponder how the Ice fishing game has changed over the years. Electronics, Flip portables,Digital Cameras, Underwater Viewing, electric fillet knives… Ridiculous how essential proper ice equipment is to my business. Something to consider for next year to help make your ICE ADVENTURES more enjoyable is to streamline your operation with quality Ice Gear. GO OTTER!! They Get it!!

    I’d like to give Otter Outdoors a huge Shout out from the Daze Camp on their incredible product line!! I utilize a Otter Village, Resort and just received a new Otter 3 man for my guide service to be put in play for next year. These houses get serious ice time through my guide service, and hold up absolutely amazing!! I’ll be honest I’m not that careful with my equipment . If it is poorly constructed it is broke in these conditions!! Not just becuase we’re 30 below for a couple months either!! These houses have been pulled over islands, through swamps, over roads and through the woods!! To the Big fish Regardless of what it takes to get there!! I can’t say enough about the spring loaded hitch system, and durability of their sleds!!

    Lets face it EQUIPMENT makes all the difference from enjoyable trips to miserable outings. Efficiency while traveling to your destination, setting up/taking down maximizes fishing time!! Yep that is still why we’re out there!! Thank you Otter from the Bottom of a Rainydaze Guide Service Fish Bucket for keeping my customers happy and Warm!!

    For anyone looking to catch more and bigger fish I HIGHLY encourage streamlining your game. Get mobile!! Setting up base camp with old heavy gear with the rest of the crowd will likely keep producing the same results as every one else… Because you’ll be fishing with them!!

    Spend your off season (SUMMER) getting Mobile!! Best investment an ice fisherman can make for chasing the biggest and baddest!! Disclaimer; Besides utilizing the endless Big fish Knowledge of the Daze Camp!!

    Tight lines Team!!

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    100% have to agree with you on this one Chris!

    But not only do they make fantastic ice houses, they have atv product lines as well that are equally as good.

    If you’re into using your machine as a work machine, don’t overlook their monster or trailer boxes, or their atv trailers!!!

    I have a super xst as pictured, and use it for hauling everything (wood/rocks/land scape material) and its taken everything I’ve thrown at it, plus everything my buddies who like to borrow it…. The tilt swivel dump is great, the trailer is made out of the same plastic they make the fish houses with, so it is strong!!


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I have to second what Chris is saying about the quality of the Otter houses.

    Based on the odometer on my main snowmobile that is used during shoots to transport myself + cameraman while towing an Otter Resort + 250 Lbs of gear I have over 800 lake and trail miles this season pulling my Otter Resort without one single issue… and the house still looks fairly new! I’ve had it in South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, all over Minnesota and Ontario through trails, sloughs, across rough ice and through thick powder and not once did it let me down.

    Want to know why there’s so few ice fishing shows? A: Everything BREAKS! Everything. On one shoot up in Ontario the temps hit -30 and we broke or disabled THREE snowmobiles (one blown engine, one wouldn’t run… the other the hinges for the hood exploded in the cold), damaged a trailer, blew a trailer tire and damaged another, broke rods x 2, rod bags (three of them), damaged 2- non MarCum flashers (I still have some of the parts rattling around in the bottom of my Otter), broke the hinge on a MarCum 825C camera, damaged a wide angle lens for our main video camera, ruined 2 Panasonic camera batteries ($140/each), one lapel mic, lost a gear in an auger… and that is just off the top of my head. I’m sure I’m blocking the rest of it out. The upside is we did get two good shows out of the trip and the Otter Resort was big enough to haul out all the broken pieces of equipment.

    If you fish hard or go places where you can’t have a break down… the Otter is the deal. They’re not the least expensive house on the market but after what I experienced this season on the ice I could not imagine fishing out of or towing my gear in anything else.

    My hat’s off to the guys making these houses.

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    We woud also agree with Otter being hands down the best in class. I have had or still have 3 different brands and hands down Otter is the best . After fishing with Rainy Daze many years ago when he had one I told myself I had to have one and finally broke down this year and bought one for this last season. The Magnum 3 man is great for fishing 2 people plus anything you could possibly bring including all of T-man’s food for his voracious appetite

    Posts: 5660

    LOL!! Yep Little T can knock down the Snacks!! I bet your darn happy with that portable Andy. That is the same model I just got. Hey James!! You bring up a pretty valid point about GEAR!!! I’m not familiar with it, but does Otter have some sort of organizer for the sleds to place gear?? I wouldn’t be suprised if they do, and if not I will sign up immediately for my order!! I’m sure if they do it will be industry leading as always!! I’m not sure how many miles mine have on them, but there is no question that they are built to last!! Heck mine needs to be tough just to drag those big slabs home!!

    international falls, mn
    Posts: 47

    i got two holes in my fish trap voyager this year….both rear corners wore right threw…so you could say im in need of a new one this fall…or get a new sled for it. it only made it 3 seasons…i think i’ll look at getting an otter…or fish less…

    Posts: 5660

    Boy Z85… Thats an easy one!! I’d highly suggest the 3 man version. Awesome 2 man shack for the boy with toys!!

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