Watch for the Biggest and Baddest pike of the season to start making their move to stage up for the spawn. Rumor has it we’ll hit 50 degrees this weekend which will make for some great ice time. Got a few more days to chase big eyes too!! In the next few days the Daze Camp will focus on these big pike which are open continuosly here on the Mighty Rainy. Following these Toothy Gators from Mid-winter feeding grounds to staging areas to delivering the Smackdown at ice out!! Great Great times for the biggest pike of your life!! Believe it or not we’ll just start to realize the effects of “LATE ICE” Remember Late ice fishing has more to do with weather than flipping calendar months!! This freshwater infusion into the lakes is gonna get stuff fired up!!! Not just the fisherman either!!

Posts: 5660
April 8, 2009 at 10:44 am