OK……I have been a big slab chaser since being a kid, and have tried it all. Truth of the matter is many many many presentations will put aggressive fish on the ice. FEW presentations can match the conditions your fishing and the methods of attack that we employ on Super Freak Slabs!! These Diamond jigs in Pink, Perch Pattern and White are LIGHTS OUT!! Yesterday I caught no short of 20 slabs myself and lost 1 at the hole. The hooks are razor sharp and DO NOT BEND OUT!! Want to get Daze Frazzled…. Have a big slab bend a hook out!! That is not going to make for “Happy Daze” Kudos CJS for the Dominate Crappie Candy!! Think it doesn’t make a difference?? Ask Doug yesterday as his off brand tear drop had the tip snapped off!! He spent 5 minutes getting re-set up while he watched giant slabs jumping out of the ice. There is Zero time for inadequate products when you have put in all the work and get in their kitchen. Tip these babies with a variety of plastic finesse tails or crappie minnows. The small profile and heavy feel gives you great locating ability both on the graph and for quick drops when you spy fish. We hammered out 100 plus holes yesterday again. Actually pretty normal. 6-8 holes produced. Out of those 6-8 holes we pulled 40slabs. 15 of those crappies measured between 13 and 14.5 inches!!! BIG ROUND THICK BACKED BRUISERS!! Move-n-groove and search for red marks. Don’t get involved with non-crappie marks. They will waste your time and energy!!
Posts: 5660
March 4, 2009 at 2:34 pm