Don’t for a second think Walleyes are done moving for the winter. Keep movin-n-groovin as the fish will still be gravitating to late winter haunts. Often times this time of year anglers get a bit complacent and fish the same ole same ole same ole. Trust me get out of that mindset. The fish will be biting all winter, but is is vital to your success to stay on the patterns that have you doing battle with the biggest and baddest. With that being said there are weather patterns and fronts that move through that will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS make fish freak out and become lethargic for a day or two. NORMAL!!! With major fronts or East winds the fish get spooky. BUT the fish get back to normal again, and start snapping up meals for the upcoming spawn. Case in point I had my wedding party out on the lake this past weekend with great action. Some big fish!!! Then major snap in the temps…and even though we were all over the fish, and really marked more fish than I have all year they just turned their noses to our presentations. Stay on those fish as they WILL come out of the weather induced FUNK!!! And as they do they are going to be plenty hungry!! This is no time for the fish to go on a diet as the spawn requires big travels and lots of energy consumption!! Go get em Boys!! Oh by the way congrats to my boys in the permanent on this beautiful 23 inch walleye and dropping the hammer down on this pile of Night Pout. New members of the “Pout Patrol” Pics to follow shortly as the Fishing Queen gets rolling!!!

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