Daze tip of the week 2-10-09

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    CPR success stories!! Lakes such as Rainy Lake have an abundance of trophy class fish. Much can be credited to our introduction of the protective slot. When spending time chasing these Rainy Freaks plan for successful Catch…Photo… and releasing slot fish, and trophy fish that measure 28+ if you aren’t going to keep them.

    Here are a few tips for you!! Have your camera in a readily accessible position in your boat. Leave fish in the water in a big bagged net like my Beckman until your ready to meaure and photo. No need for 14 photos with 4 cameras in this day and age of photo sharing!! DO NOT throw fish into the bottom of the boat while your trying to get organized. A good rule of thumb is to hold your breath while measuring and taking digitals. DO NOT toss the fish back, but simply lower the fish in the water holding it upright. It is not necessary to pump the fish back and forth, but grasp the fish by the tail holding it upright until the fish gathers herself to safely swim away.

    CPR and Slots are not nearly as effective if not practiced with care. If someone in your boat is unaware of proper methods in releasing these fish take the time to help them become conservation minded with these fish!! Trust me you know how exciting it is to catch a 26 or 27+ fish, so take proper precautions to assure someone else may share in that joy maybe when she hits 32 inches!!

    Good Fishing Boys!!

    S.E. Minnesota
    Posts: 69

    Great tip Chris, keep them coming. When I see a post from you I can’t wait to read your stories and tips.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Hey Chris something else that deserves mentioning is to support the weight of the fish. Don’t just pick it up by its gill plate, don’t squeeze too tight, don’t bump it here and there. Do be careful with your catch and handle it like a baby, support the head and body like in the picture.

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