Greetings to all that don’t swim in the lake with a 30 below windchill!! Well we just finished filming a special with the Weather Channel featuring International falls as the “Ice Box” of the nation!!! They featured winter activities of the great outdoors, and how everday border folks live during our cold weather period. We had a group of friends gathered around fishing discussing winter activities we participate in here in the land of 10,000 lakes and more specifically the “Ice Box” of the nation!! Trust me there were lots of the worlds problems being solved out there!! Our Mayor is one of our great friends and even GREATER MAYORS!!! It should be an absolute phenomonel shoot. To cap the event off you will get to see a POLAR PLUNGE by myself “Rainydaze” the Fishing Queen, and 5 off our great (But a little Crazy) friends!! Yep ole Mooneye displaces a huge amount of water too!! Thanks goes to Montucky for the nickname!! Not to be outdone by past polar plungers I decided as I was running down the dock and onto the ice that I would attempt a giant “CANNON BALL” like when I was a kid!! YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!! It isn’t going to be cut as a special until next November, and I don’t want anyone to lose any sleep but it will be a crack up!! Until then the next time I hear any whining about cold weather I’ll be able to say HECK we swim in the lake in colder weather than this!! Furthermore very very very few people ice fish, and swim in the lake on the same day!!
There were cameras flashing everywhere, so I’m sure I’ll be able to at least round up a few pics for your viewing pleasure in the next couple days!! Until then add swimming to winter activities on your next Ifalls WINTER VACATION!! FYI Sauna and refreshments help take away the sting, And if your gonna do it “GO BIG BABY” the heck with the “Don’t get your head wet it feels like someone hit you between the eyes with a sledge hammer” Go all out baby!! HAMMER DOWN!! CANNON BALL!!
There is only one International Falls!! Embrace it, LIVE IT!! SWIM IN IT?? WE LOVE IT!!

Posts: 5660
February 2, 2009 at 1:02 pm