Heavy 29 smiles for IDO!!

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    Bring electronics, and understand how to utilze them. You know the saying… “90% of the fish are caught by 10% of the anglers” I think those numbers are starting to even out a bit with the advancements in both technology and angler education. Big fish are often simply playing by their own rules, and it is important to understand big fish to catch them. That boils down to really a couple things. SPAWN (Pre, Post and Peak) and eating. Eating to varying degrees in open water is closely tied with prevailing winds. During the winter the really only pieces of the Big fish puzzle are that they need to eat. So focus on that! What is the most readily available snack walleyes prey on during the winter. Where would you find these baitfish?? Then how do they act, and how best can you mimick them.

    In short if you can get that pattern down you can and will catch more big walleyes in the next couple years than many anglers have caught in a lifetime!!

    Today fishing with a big group I dropped the hammer down on this 29 inch beast on a 1/8 oz. orange/chart glow lightning spoon!! We also landed some other nice slots and some nice eating fish, and a few nice pike. Nice day on the ice!!

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Nice fish Chris…

    Posts: 178

    Hey Daze, nice fish ,it sounded like your group had a good time. We also got a couple of nice eye’s and some eaters.
    Bassbuster 1

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Awesome eyes Daze.

    Posts: 5660

    Thanks Guys!!

    Yep they had a good time out there!!

    Posts: 178

    Those big pigs are still going.I got this 28 incher today on Rainy Lake!

    Bassbuster 1

    Posts: 5660

    Thats a BEAUTY Buddy!! Look how dark that beast is!! Sent some more of my customers your way for March lodging. Look forward to cutting some new snow together this week!!

    Great Picture Kelly!!

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