Rumor has it this weekends Indepthoutdoors Show has James Holst and I “FREAKED” over the Gi-Normous “Ice Out Pike” flat out attacking our offerings. The Queen has just informed me there will be no more jet skiing in this lake, and no longer dangles her toes over the dock “TOO DANGEROUS”. I am going to be in touch with my buddy at the Sportfishing club to possibly produce/float some ”
” bouys in areas. These fish are for REAL!! There Mean and there BIG!! Our Walleye fishery gets a little press(RUKIDDING ME still a big secret
), and a few people know about our slab crappies (THIS YEAR COULD BE AWESOME FOR SPAWN SLABS, last year was unbelievable!!
), but our population of BEASTLY, TOOTHY, FRESHWATER SHARKS definately swims under the radar. PIKE 10-30lbs….shhhhhhhhh!!
Secret may be out after this weekend!! If you haven’t planned your fishing trip you best take a gander at another “PIG PULLIN” episode on THE “Rainy Lake”. You know the shows are “LIGHTS OUT” when you are priveleged to help in the filming process, and then sit on your own couch watching the episode with everyone else, spilling your coffee, and waking up the family while yelling “Take a look at THAT!!” Well I might need a lid on my cup for this weeks episode as I haven’t seen the footage, but vividly remember the explosive action!! My Back still has a slight tweak from the tug of war battles!! I know I’ve heard people say “Pike???….Blah Blah Blah… Hammerhandels, snakes
..” I personally don’t get a charge out of catching small crappies,sunnies, walleyes, smallies, pike…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
But when they are trophy caliber fish “COUNT ME IN!!” ENJOY BOYS!!
From the land of “BIG FISH and small crowds” Still blowin hard from the border, and rufflin a few feathers……..DAZE OUT!!