Even Florida Boys catching walleyes on Rainy!!

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    Congrats Simon!! ON your FIRST walleye 5 minutes into your 2 hour guide trip!! LOL!! Heck thats all it takes for efficient Florida guys I guess!! I Know I know they don’t fight as hard as the Amber Jacks…. Heck these fish are freaking cold!!

    25.5 isn’t bad for a first walleye or not knowing what set the hook means? Reel REEL REEL REEL!!

    Look forward to fishing with Team Miami this summer!! Might have to extend the trip 15 minutes or so

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22929

    Rainy, you have set their expectations for ice fishing pretty high with action like that and that fast !!!

    big G

    Posts: 5660

    I think Simon was probably thinking “What in the heck are we fussing with this little shrimp for” Rumor has it I get a bit fired up when customers catch big fish!!

    My favorite memory was last summer when I had a 70 year old gentleman in the boat and he caught a 27 inch walleye. I gave out a Rainydaze YEAH!! and when I went to give him a high five I got a big hug instead!! That was fun!! That guy was tickled to catch that big fish!! That is why I guide!!

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Here’s to you Daze.

    When do you start booking up for the open water season?


    Posts: 1573

    Havnt been up there in years but you got me thinking.Do you do any late ice Crappie fishing or get them in the spring?

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946


    you are no doubt the Rainy River Master !!!
    I love the reports and Pix !!!

    Congrats guys

    Posts: 5660

    Good Morning Gentleman!!

    Our Guide schedules start filling up pretty fast in the next couple months. Many annual customers book the next years trip one year in advance. As resorts and houseboat customers have started making there reservations we get booked as well. For best chance to time the first couple days of your trip you can’t book too soon. From booking a guide standpoint I would try figure out some dates for the summer in which I’m glad to help. Rainy has made one heck of a turnaround over the past 20+ years, and in my humble opinion is the healthiest fishery in the state. Boasting an abundance of 22+ walleyes, 13+ crappies,10+ Pike and monster Bronzebacks!! I would love to fish with you and when you pin your dates down. Rainy is flat out the most beautiful 220,000 acres of water you’ll ever lay eyes on. Noone will ever question that. With the majority of the lake being undeveloped it is literally like fishing a Boundary Water Canoe area with Powerboats. Moose, deer, bear, bald eagles, grouse, otters… No place I’d rather be, and sharing the outdoors with the many good hearted anglers makes my job so enjoyable. Heck don’t just plan one trip you only live once!! Plan a early and late trip. Even if one is just a long weekend with buddies. I have several groups that come up annually to pound big walleyes in the fall, and maybe early to pound big pike in the spring. Or….. End of May to chase spawing slabs!! Yep late Ice crappies I typically chase on the Canadian side. I would shoot for March on that trip. If you need help picking out dates based on how or what you like to fish feel free to ask, and I will do my best to help you.

    Catch this weekends MONSTER PIKE SLAM filmed last spring, and see if that helps your cabin fever!!! I know it drives me crazy, and might be one of my favorite times to hit the water!! Usually a timeframe that will have you wearing fall gear, and might be a little chill in the air. BUT… Well you’ll see!! Biggest pike landed a couple years ago out of my Daughters Paddle boat!!! 46.5 inches in the summer, and biggest pike in the winter was last year weighing a flat 20lbs on the nose!! There are 25lb +fish in here!! Last year I watched a 8 inch plug get inhaled by a fish that nearly scared me out of the canoe!! If I were to estimate I would say it might have gone25-27lbs!! Inhaled the bait and got OVER the TOO SMALL leader and turned sideways. I was afraid to set the hook for fearing the inevitable, and yep… SNAP Or what I refer to as cracking the whip!! No tension and no tackle!! I won’t ever forget that big girl!!

    Posts: 5660

    Thanks Dave!!

    Rainy Lake can be plenty humbling also!! Lots of time on the water is really the only true equalizer I know. Even fishing the lake 6-7 days a week in the winter and 8 out of 7 days in the open water season sometimes has you scratching your head . Fortunately more often than not we don’t run out of plans (plan A,B,C,D,E,F,G…) just sometimes out of daylight!! With 220,000 acres of water the “Eliminating Dead Water” philosophy can be daunting to many new comers on the lake. Every year I see it coming into resorts with customers Beeming with the net of their prized catch as I hear other customers gripe how the BITE IS OFF!! Many of very skilled walleyes anglers have a tough time getting themselves on the right pattern, but once they do come back every year!! Fun thing about Rainy is last years hot spots my put zeros on the board while last years deadzones might be on fire!! Helps limit traffic on structure. I like to grab customers maps and mark them up, so they have plenty of options to try for their trip. One of the biggest reasons why is the Rainy Fish are always on the move, and some of the spots are pretty small. If someone is set up on the ONLY spot you know than your in a bit of trouble. Having mulitiple spots allows you the flexibility to rest fish… You Know!! You smell what I’m stepping in.

    Hey Dave… TIME TO COME UP!! I’ll drop my Big portable on a couple hot humps and the sleeper is calling your name!! We’re overdue for a 30!! I’ll be out today, so maybe today will be the day!!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Why does Simon look familiar??

    Posts: 5660

    Not sure?? He is NOT the inventor of “Simon Says”

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