Daze Phones it In!

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Chris Granrud just called me. I think everyone knows “that voice” when you answer to hear your buddy on the line on a day when you KNOW he’s out fishing. I know I don’t even have to ask what happened. All I do is ask, in my sullen “I wish I wasn’t here in this office” voice…. OK, how big?!

    Long story short… Chris just released a super-fat 28″ walleye. And he was nice enough to call and rub it in. What a guy. What aaaa guy!

    All will be forgiven if you post the pics. Once you get off the ice that is.

    The bite up on Rainy is ON!

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370

    thanks for passing that pain to the rest of us james!!!!

    cant wait to see the pic!!!

    Posts: 2014

    Between the pictures yester day of his Black gold, and now this I think it’s time to start making extra nice with the wife, and try to plan a trip. Daze is on the fish. and we aren’t there!

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1886

    I actually prefer sitting in the office, instead of fishing. It reminds me why I enjoy fishing so much. I think if I did it all day, everyday, I might not enjoy it as much.

    Posts: 97

    What RD has a Phone. A real cell phone. Wow technology has finally reached the borderlands

    Posts: 5660

    You guessed it Touchy!! Traded in the can and string for the latest and greatest cell phone technology!! Is there anything better than calling a buddy when you lay into a pig!! Heck anticipation is 75% of the sport isn’t it?? Like normal I was watching the entire water column opposite my zoom lock on my electronics watching suspended baitfish flash in and out when I noticed a mark come in at a different level. I immediately reeled up hoping… wishing… Yep the mark immediately started to chase me from 20 feet to 7 feet below the ice when it smashed my low and slow Vertiglo!! LIGHTS OUT!! It was apparent immediately with the slow long head throbs that this was the species of choice. If I would have stepped on it it would have gone 28 1/8, but we’ll give it a honest 28 inch Rainy Trophy!! It was hooked in the tip of the nose, so after a photo opp with Daze it swam down to tell his buddies how cool of an Ice house she just saw. Surely there will be plenty of other visitors with this positive word of mouth advertising!! AAAAAHHH Big fish time!! BIG FISH TIME!! Here are a couple other visitors to the Daze Inn today too!! Big pike on the chew too!! Go Queen!

    Posts: 97

    Can and String????
    Last Time I was there we used smoke signals until someone told me about the telegraph.

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    One pattern observed for the last 3 weeks is nearly every time a mark on the screen aggressively goes after the bait it is a bigger walleye. Where I’ve been they’ve been 1-4′ off the bottom but won’t hesitate to come up 5′ or more to nail your offering. In general the smaller the fish the closer to the bottom and less aggressive they are. The smaller ones can hang around 20 minutes or more and maybe lightly nip and not bite.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Beauty fish!! Must be nice to fish in jeans and a sweater or she’s a lot tougher than most of us.

    Posts: 5660

    More of the same today with a FAT 26 and Gi-Normous 28 with at least 2 other pigs lost at the hole!!

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    man! would you look at the size of that rock on that gals left fingers!

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