Vexilar vs. Marcum

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    OK… Most Hardwater Boys realize fishing without a flasher is fishing blind, and fishing with even ancient technology gives you a distinct advantage over the guys without any electronics. With that being said I have been a long long long time believer in Flashers. From Green Boxes, to the Hummingbird Flasher to Vexilars. I currently use a FL-18, and really have no complaints about it other than noise/interference issues. I have had many customers use Marcums, and they seem pretty nice. Most guys up here are still using Vexilar units whether it be 8’s, 12’s, 18’s or 20’s. I am very interested in possibly putting a Marcum to use this winter and seeing for myself the seperation claims as well as lack of interference. Maybe Santa will have one in my stocking!! Queen?? Are you listening?? I’ve been good…. Pretty good…. Ok I just want one!!

    Posts: 1573

    Both are very good units and this is pretty much a Ford VS Chevy thing.However when I go to buy a more expensive item I compare features and what I am getting for my money.I call it bang for the buck.Price is pretty comparable but if you look at features the Marcum easily wins.But what actually sold me on Marcums is they are a compact unit and come in a protective case and fit on the dash of my truck.The Vex is kind of a bulky unit and doesnt fit places I want it to.I also like it because it is quiet.I hated that buzzing from my Vex.If you compare them side by side it is hard not to choose a Marcum but you really cant go wrong with a Vex either for catching fish.And If it makes a difference I also drive a Chevy

    Posts: 5660

    The reason in particular I am considering trying a Marcum is the fine tuned seperation which could be very beneficial chasing big Rainy Lake Slabs. Of course Cat and mouse games are employed big time, and the subtle bites are detected much easier if you can clearly identify the whereabouts of the Crappies vs. your bait. Pinpointing exact levels of fish vs your presentation allows you to focus on your line at precisely the right time. The other factor of course is interference. I am very familiar with clutter and interference on my units. Sometimes it is minor, and other times it is very tough to deal with. The whirly-bird effect gets me dizzy!! Sometimes I find that no matter how much I play with the settings I just cant get a clear reading. If these two features are resolved with a Marcum than Vexilar might as well close shop!! That is why I am looking.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4084

    Do those crappies on Rainy Lake ever suspend over deep water? If so, you will like the adjustable zoom feature on the Marcums. That was the #1 selling point for me when I bought my flasher.

    Posts: 5660

    Hey Bigfife,

    The Crappies are often found in 15-30 f.o.w. Some of the fish will have their bellies scratching the bottom and some will suspend higher. Often times the bigger fish just appear 5-10 feet up. Yes that optional zoom lock would be helpful. Can you still view the entire water column on the reverse side of the flasher??? I always like to watch the whole water column for the odd placed fish. Often times it seems like the fish whom travel alone seperate from the schools are the larger fish. Apparently if you are at the top of the food chain you have fewer friends. LOL!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Yup, the adjustable zoom will be on the left the whole water column on the right.

    The wife and I both use Marcums and love them.

    The interference can be tough. Some units seem to be more prone to it than others…not sure why. My Marcum seems to have more trouble with interference than my wife’s and they are the exact same units. Bottom content can make a difference too….if you are fishing over rocks with several other people there are signals boucing all over down there and interference is more of a problem, over a soft bottom even in 30+ feet of water there is barely any interference because the bottom soaks up much of the signal.


    Posts: 5660

    Great information Buckshot!!! I have noticed the same thing your mentioning about interference with my vexilars. I have noticed varying degrees of interference issues with like units?? Some are great for avoiding the interference, and some are very spooky, and don’t play well with others!!

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