OK I give…. Has the slumping economy put a premium or created a shortage of salt??? After a few long distance travels visiting family and friends over the holidays It has been very noticeable the lack of salt on the roadways. Today was no different from the Twin Cities to Ifalls the roads were Ice Covered with little to no salt or plow vehicles on the roadways. Every truck I saw (WHICH WASN’T MANY OVER 300 MILES!!) over icey roads was either scraping, doing nothing, or spreading sand???? Ahhhhhh…. GUYS!! if you leave the roads ice covered then we get another big snow….. HEY FORK OVER THE SALT!!! The roads are treacherous. That is ridiculous. My assumption might be that this is some sort of ploy to create a stir for more $$$$ to be thrown at the operation, but hopefully death per our poooooooor road clean up isn’t going to be outcome prior too. Ice roads on the lake are no more dangerous than these highways!! FYI it was bright and sunny all day, so no reason there couldn’t have been some action to keep the many many many motorists out of the ditch and danger. This is at least the 4th time I have noticed this happening this year???? Whats up?? Do I need to scrape the salt off my pringles??

Posts: 5660
December 16, 2008 at 3:52 am