Pass the salt please!!

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    OK I give…. Has the slumping economy put a premium or created a shortage of salt??? After a few long distance travels visiting family and friends over the holidays It has been very noticeable the lack of salt on the roadways. Today was no different from the Twin Cities to Ifalls the roads were Ice Covered with little to no salt or plow vehicles on the roadways. Every truck I saw (WHICH WASN’T MANY OVER 300 MILES!!) over icey roads was either scraping, doing nothing, or spreading sand???? Ahhhhhh…. GUYS!! if you leave the roads ice covered then we get another big snow….. HEY FORK OVER THE SALT!!! The roads are treacherous. That is ridiculous. My assumption might be that this is some sort of ploy to create a stir for more $$$$ to be thrown at the operation, but hopefully death per our poooooooor road clean up isn’t going to be outcome prior too. Ice roads on the lake are no more dangerous than these highways!! FYI it was bright and sunny all day, so no reason there couldn’t have been some action to keep the many many many motorists out of the ditch and danger. This is at least the 4th time I have noticed this happening this year???? Whats up?? Do I need to scrape the salt off my pringles??

    Posts: 974

    they don’t put salt down when it’s this cold.
    salt works best at +30 deg

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Daze, in a nut…yes. There is a shortage of salt. Barges were set back tremendously by the floods this spring. Most salt comes here by barge, and is unloaded in St. Paul. To offset the shortage, salt had to be trucked up this summer. Remember what Diesel prices were this summer? Ask any of the plow jockeys (Stickboy) what they are paying for salt right now. This early snow season is going to cost the State HUGE!

    Posts: 5660

    YIKES!! I didn’t know they don’t put salt on the roads when it is cold??? I LIVE IN IFALLS. 30 degrees is tough to come by up here. I have a steep driveway, and salt it plenty during the winter, and haven’t noticed any problems melting ice. I suppose if we have a month or so of this weather we are going to be in a world of hurt.

    I understand the $$ factor. YIKES!!! If the state is planning on rationing the salt…. YIKES!! We all better be driving tracked rigs!!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I have a dad that trucks salt and he said alot of it is the $$. He’s like I am when it snows as he knows he’s going to be trucking it up from Iowa and other places.

    Posts: 5660

    I figured it revolved around money in some fashion. SUPER now Salt is SPENDY!! LOL!! Oh well lets throw the chains on our tires. Thought we were past those days. Hmnnnnnn!!!

    Posts: 5660

    27 below on the Thermometer here on Rainy Lake!! My little Brittany Spaniel was like “RUKIDDING ME!!” I’ll just hold it THANKS!! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!!!

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    There other options. Iowa uses a liquid chemical and otherwise just sand would help a lot.

    Posts: 97

    Would you like some cheese with that whine. Out here in the land of liberal deer tags, large caliber handguns, and lots of snow they do not use salt. The Peoples Republic of MN has to cut money from somewhere so that they can keep all of the “necessary Social engineering” programs going.

    Posts: 5660

    LOL!! I actually prefer a “Fruity” wine if your sending some to the Daze Inn!! Might want to include a little tip for the UPS Driver as they might need to strap on snowshoes for the delivery!! My goal for the day is to see if I can shovel out all the way to road!!!

    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    Here is my 2 cents. Salt is effective down to about 15 degrees F. Colder temps usually get calcium chloride applied to the roads. This chem is effective to about -10 degrees. In the Kenosha area, there are experimenting with a Beet Juice derivitive that has had success at the warmer temps.

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