Fall Crappies

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    I fished walleyes yesterday, but was witness to a big pile of monster crappies yesterday from a few of our other guides chasing papermouths. Trust me my Electric fillet knive was hot after helping with that action. KUDOS BOYS!!! Big Big Slabs!!! Several 15 inch fish, and several crappies hitting the wall. I’m thinking walleyes second and slabs first for todays trip!! Action only looks to get better!!!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Good to hear the slabs are still on the chew.

    Bob from Custom Jigs stopped by yesterday to drop off some of your go-to flu-flus and a B-fish order yesterday.What have been your best colors up there Chris?

    Albert Lea, MN
    Posts: 9

    The Crappies are still on the move, eh?
    My wife and I were at the cabin on Grassy Portage Bay last week. Fishing was slow but steady but I did pull up some good sized Crappies. Rather odd to be pulling Crappies from Grassy in late August/early September: Usually they bugger out of that bay by mid-June. Grassy’s not overly deep and it heats up quick (comparatively speaking).

    I was using a chartreuse little joe with no sinkers. I had better luck skimming the surface than going deep.

    Posts: 5660

    Hi Dean,

    LIGHTS OUT CRAPPIE ACTION!!! Trust me I’ve got a die hard walleye trip turned into a crappie trip for today. PINK w/White head, Pink head with white feathers, Any Glow head!!, Black with the Gold sparkle strip (VERY NICE). We’ve been pitching 1/16 oz. (Rumor has it Pike Daze can also catch 36.5 inch pike on 1/16 oz. flu-flu’s . Thanks Custom Jigs and Spins for making my Crappie customers VERY HAPPY!!! Now you have B Fish N tackle??? WOW!! Do you need anything else??? BECKMAN??? LOL!! Heck you need a GREAT landing net if your slinging this stuff! Plus with slabs this big you darn near need a Crappie Cradle. As far as the walleyes go the firetiger pattern is We put 33 slabs in the box yesterday biggest is going on the wall for one of the Hough boys! (15 1/8 inches!!) Congrats buddy!! Most fish were between 12-14 inches. Off to work!! Hey guys! It doesn’t get any better than this. Been warning ya!! LIGHTS OUT! LIGHTS OUT! Netting elbow, casting elbow… Heck my camera finger is even a bit sore. LOL! I’ll have the Fishing Queen post some pics later today. Lets go get em!

    Posts: 5660

    Daze of Fall Pics!! With bird hunting opening, bow hunting… Few people are experiencing the best bite of the year!! I’m glad I’m one of them! Nice couple days on the water!!

    Look forward to your return Boys!! Hope the ride home let you rest up. Ifalls will NEVER BE THE SAME!!! LOL!!! Congrats on the Wall Mounters!!! They’ll do a good job for you.

    Posts: 5660

    My group of 2 today put 100 + Crappies in the boat today before 2 pm!!! Then we went chasing walleyes. Biggest Crappie went a even 15 inches, and biggest walleye topped 8lbs!!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Buddy, you’re killing me. October can’t come fast enough.

    Save a few of those crappies for when I get there, OK?

    Posts: 5660

    I’ll try, but they are fearing the Daze Fish Casket now with good reason!

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