Great morning on the water today. Got out around 8 a.m. before the wind picked up, and got back in as soon as the weekend travelers shook the long islands out of there head, and figured out what that stain was on their T-shirt. Fishing was outstanding!!! Between my 2 customers and I we landed 50 plus walleyes. 20 fish measured over 20 inches in length. Kept 10 nice fish for a hot oil bath. Only ran into a few weekend warriors whom left most all common sense at home or somewhere along the way. First guy came right up on our boat on a very small spot. circled my marker backtrolling where we were casting in between smoking and drinking, and trying to keep his hat shaped correctly. Then preceded to drop his pants and relieve himself of a few extra budweisers he drank the previous night pointing directly at our boat. Pretty fun stuff right there. Too bad they weren’t catching anything in 75 f.o.w., and really strange as they did yesterday!!! Hmnnn… I guess it just goes to show each day is a bit different Second guy just about ran us over as they were too busy taking markers like barrel racing in a rodeo spurring and heading for the home stretch. Good times!! Kind of like a real life dumb and dumber out there. Decided to head in as the average IQ was dropping faster than my 40lb anchor. FYI if fishing busy weekends, and actually want to catch fish it isn’t a bad idea to get up with the sun. Most of the late night warriors will still be drinking, or too hung over to find the keys to their boat. Come about 11 a.m. they will come out of the woodwork, and likely will be two fisted with more brain draining liquids. Hope our local enforcement is all over this chaos!!! We could use a little boat safety 101 today. In fact I think that since there are several interesting things that are being enforced that boating safety should be as well?? My guess would be… Nevermind!!! Go get em boys!! You’ve got your hands full this weekend!!
Hope nobody dies out there this weekend. I’m either splitting wood tomorrow or fishing in my camo boat!!

Posts: 5660
August 30, 2008 at 11:49 pm