As the ground cover starts to change colors and the birch trees start to turn a golden yellow it is always a sign that walleyes are starting to move to fall patterns. With the outstanding summer of walleye fishing we have experienced this fall is very likely going to be lights out. Although I’ve eluded to this in other posts I feel it is never discussed enough. Proper catch and release of slot fish is the key to the future of sport angling. Make it a point in your boat this year to organize yourself for efficient catch, photo and releasing of fish. Have your camera out and ready to go. No need searching for 10 minutes for your camera. The fish won’t make it. Do not drop the fish into the bottom of your boat as the fish will likely hurt itself. Be very careful around the fish gills. Carefully net the fish remove the hook and snap a picture. Take a quick measurment being careful as often times when you lay that fish on your ruler it gets pretty anxious and likes to give you a nice gill plate cut. Hold the fish in the water upright by the back of the tail. No need to pump it!!! Let the fish regain the needed energy to make it back to the bottom. The fish will let you know when it is ready as it will swim out of your grasp. It may take 2 seconds and it may take 5 minutes. Don’t rip out hooks from fishes guts. That will definately kill the fish, and I see it almost DAILY. If your techniques are gut hooking fish change them. Also if your fishing deep water reel very slow as the pressure change from deep to shallow kills many fish. I believe it is all of our responsibilities to help preserve these big fish in this fishery. It is quite possible that the 27 inch walleye you’ve just caught has been caught and released a number of times, so take it upon yourself to continue the cycle. Keep up the great work and pass it on your fishing depends on it one way or another. See you on the water!!!

Posts: 5660
August 30, 2008 at 12:21 pm