Well I finally can say it. Sand Bay is heating up!!!! It has been a different year in this area as many know for whatever reason. Maybe the high water, cool summer… Who knows! All I know is that the Sand Bay area is heating up. I along with 4 other guides had a group through Woody’s Resort the past 3 days. Wind was a big factor as some of the guys were nearly clicking there heals together chanting “There’s no place like home… Theres..” We sheltered ourselves from the wind as much as possible. Yesterday during the Hurricane on the lake my boat managed a limit of nice walleyes for 5 as well as 6 Saugers and 12 big crappies before shorelunch. Very nice to see the fish in numbers around Sand Bay. Looks like we’re heading for a tremendous fall!! Gotta love Fall fishing on Rainy!

Posts: 5660
August 22, 2008 at 2:18 pm