Not a bad morning!!! I had a father and his two boys out in the boat today. Literally thought I was going to have to fasten Charlie to the boat so he wouldn’t get pulled in. Put 35 walleyes into the boat before noon!!! 10 fish in the protective slot with the 3 fish hitting 23 inches on the nose. H20 Precision jigs in the tiger pattern tipped with shiners were the ticket today. had more boats around us than I’m accustomed to, but didn’t see hardly any fish being caught. Not sure what they were using, but did notice a lot of guys trolling??? Funny thing is today we pinned some fish up off the reefs suspended. Pitched and swam the jigs right into their mouth. Just goes to show you that you need to fish in the fish. sometimes there on top sometimes there deep, and sometimes there neither. If you haven’t booked your fall trip yet… Ya better get it on the books. I expect lights out action to only get hotter.

Posts: 5660
August 3, 2008 at 2:43 am