A little evening excursion put 10 nice 20 plus inch fish into the Daze boat. Only 4 keepers and a few smaller. Pretty nice problem to have knowing most the time you get smacked its BIG. Ahhh H20 with Shiners Where have you been all my life. Hook ups were great with few missed fish even with the big “Trout” shiners. LOL! (Not actually Trout) I just call them trout when we get those big shiners mixed in. Don’t want to ruffle any feathers there
. So if you haven’t planned your trip up here for this fall what the
are you thinking. Crazy enough it only will get better from here on out. I think I’ll have to replace my steel ruler on the side of my boat as it is starting to wear thin. LOL! Good Fishing Boys and Girls!
Pick up somebody’s garbage they are too lazy to, and give them a gentle reminder on fishing ethics every once in a while. Sure they won’t like it, but they will remember it, and maybe just maybe make a difference!
Check the first pic out. You can just barely see and hear that little H20 screaming ” Ahhh… Guys….Get me the Freak out of here!!!”