Went out today fishing with some buddies with one job ahead of us, and that was to get enough fresh walleyes for a shorelunch on the island. We got out fishing about noon, and ended up with 13 Beautiful walleyes with 6 going over 16 inches, but just under 17(Yep their the coveted fish here). Few bigger ones. Beautiful WALLEYE DAY!!! Cloudy, little walleye chop, moderate temps… East wind though, but finessed the heck out of them. May flies still covering the water in areas. Expect the bite to really heat up if this stability in the weather sticks around. Mayflies lack any lasting nutrition, so when they stop filling their bellies with them they will become very hungry. Kind of like eating Chinese food. Ever notice you are completely full, and an hour later your hungry again. Same thing goes with those Mayflies when they are not available these fish really are going to feel hungry!!!! Fish were stacked up big time today, and literally never left the electronics. Spinner rigs, lindy’s and H20’s.

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