opening weekend

  • uffdapete
    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    Saturday started quite slow for most but those who stuck it out and fished the last 2 hours of daylight did well. Some guys found walleyes in 10-15′ and most did well in 30-36′. And Sunday was generally better than Saturday. The main lake is still 49 degrees while the shallow protected bays are 10-15 degrees warmer. Shiners worked well and a few did well using leeches.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 146

    Thanks for the report!

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    I finally fished last night for a couple hours. It took 30 minutes for my first walleye which was 25.5″ – a good start to the season! Before we caught a dozen in the slot, we also released a 22, and 3 between 18 and 19. Leeches on a slip sinker rig were the ticket. We started out in 25-35′ at 6:30 and moved to 10-15′ towards sunset.

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    Fishing is really picking up with several reports over the weekend getting lots of walleyes in the 17-28″ slot. The bigger walleyes are coming mostly from shallower water – 7-12′ with keepers coming from 30-50′. I’ve talked to a few folks fishing off of docks who’ve done well for walleyes and pike.

    Also crappie fishing has been good with some limits in the 12-15″ range reported.

    Like normal, some are finding it slow so it’s a matter of locating active fish. The biggest challenge over the weekend was the wind and weather.

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