Sleds, crappies, walleyes, pike, national park…

  • deilertson
    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 24

    We have it all going for us right now on Rainy Lake. The snowmobile trails are fantastic, the crappie fishing is kicking in, ice conditions are improving, and walleyes are cooperative too! Snowmobile traffic is almost nonexistent and the trails are open to Kettle Falls and points beyond. Awesome riding. Contact Voyageurs National Park for up to the day information.

    I have been out fishing walleyes and crappies and have had success with both. Not to mention the huge pike that are available for those want to target them. There is easy access to American Narrows via truck right now. Plenty of walleyes over the 17″ mark, but still fun to catch. Ice in that area seems to be around 14 to 15 inches. You can literally drive your truck to an area that can kick out a ten pounder right now…walleye that is!

    Sand Bay has no plowed roads and the ice is not as good as it is out east. That said, the snow is not too bad and vehicle traffic should be easy enough very soon. There will be big walleyes available!

    Crappies….yes, crappies can be had, but be prepared for longer runs with snow machines and you won’t get ’em every day. But when you do!

    Rainy Lake is almost at it’s winter best right now. Book it. I will say this…be aggressive with your initial presentation choices. Go big. Go heavy. Something to get to the fish fast. If you mark ’em they will often bite. Get to them with a bait that sinks fast and it will trigger active fish. Such as…the largest jigging raps, the largest Lindy Flyers, the largest Buckshots…you get the idea. If the fish don’t react but you know they are there, adjust and adapt accordingly. Set lines with live bait may still out produce on any given day. This rule of thumb goes for both walleyes and crappies btw…

    DoRight Out

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    great report fished Rainy once, didn’t have very good luck but hope to be back someday.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4550

    Note: he didnt mention it was -32 degrees this morning

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 24


    Make no mistake, I don’t get ’em every day either! Rainy Lake is big water and it takes time to learn what to look for under certain conditions and during different calendar periods. Once you start putting it together it is an awesome lake to fish for multiple species!

    Oh…and DaveB was right on! In fact, it may have been colder than -32 this morning. It has been a dog gone cold month!

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