Rainy Lake Update

  • deilertson
    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 24

    Boy, what a start to the ice season here on Rainy Lake. Just when things were stacking up to be awesome…holy snow Batman! I got out exactly twice under somewhat thin ice conditions prior to the dumping. I actually did get to a couple “prime” areas for a shot at huge pike with a walleye or three mixed in…and came up with exactly ZERO! You guessed it…I don’t get ’em every time. The ice was good but thin and then….snow, and more snow, and more snow… The lake became a slush lovers perfect dream! It stopped virtually all movement on the ice and things have been feeling a bit dangerous out there. That said, the recent cold snap has helped far more than I thought it might. I took the snow machine on a run today and checked ice thickness in my main travel zones. I had as much as 7 inches and the best news was much less slush!!! The cold is locking it up even though there is more than a foot of powder still out there.

    The report is, walleye fishing in Sand Bay is going to take some more time. Black Bay Narrows may be ready, but I have not been able to get there across the ice from here yet. The really good news is that things are improving with each nasty cold morning. I have a few trips coming up this weekend so I hope to have another “fishy” update then. If you are coming up to Rainy, please be careful…it is a very tricky time right now.

    DoRight Out

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Rover doesn’t look too happy.

    Omaha, Ne for now
    Posts: 293

    Thanks for the updates! I’m planning on coming up that way next month.

    Phil Bauerly
    Walker, MN - Leech Lake
    Posts: 866

    Great update!

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