On the seventh day the boss said…

  • patk
    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    On the seventh day the boss said let him go to Rainy Lake!

    After having cancelled my 9th annual trip for work purposes(Damn Obamacare) a miracle happened this week. Going to be able to sneak out of work for about 6 days.

    We’ll be up on the north arm trying our luck. Typically we target pike about 80% and walleye the other 20%. I’ll report when I get back.

    If anyone has been seeing the big pike come back shallow, let me know.

    Posts: 7348

    And on the 8th day, life was good. Hope you get the big one!

    Posts: 3416

    Just got back from a 4 day trip and all species were really deep. 40-45′ we were getting eyes, sauger, smallies, and northerns. Got maybe 15-20 northerns pulling lead for eyes in 40′. Several in the low 30″ Range.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997


    Just got back from a 4 day trip and all species were really deep. 40-45′ we were getting eyes, sauger, smallies, and northerns. Got maybe 15-20 northerns pulling lead for eyes in 40′. Several in the low 30″ Range.

    That’s a little deep for us. We don’t do leadcore. Hopefully a couple cool nights will help. Maybe some of the big’uns are hanging out in the weeds.

    Looks like a pretty tough day coming on saturday. Rain and a ton of wind Not going to be the best people weather, especially since we’re camping.

    either way, we’re hitting the road in the morning and will give it a go

    Posts: 3416

    Good luck. Fyi when we tried shallow all we would catch were smb. Maybe the weeds will be the key. Rock shore lines and mid lake reefs were invested with smb.

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