another A+ job by Chris Granrude @rainydaze

  • drew-evans
    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    Myself and nine others gathered together with chris a week ago to chase down some rainy lake GIANT SLABS! chased is exactly what we did too, we started out getting a few fish here and there some big some small (future giant slabs). as the day was winding down we started searching and as if they came out of no where the flashers turned into christmas trees!!

    The next couple hours we put a smack down on some dandies while chasing this school across the lake! (first two pics are Eric shlay, and angela smith with a couple slabasorous’s) we chased this school for a good 200 yards while some fished and others drilled out ahead of the fish. we took turns drilling and fishing before deciding we would head in and come back in the morning for some more action!

    The next day we woke up to a little north land dusting working into the area, you know the usual 5-10 inches they’ve been getting every other day!! That day was slower but the storm brought the big girls out to play,
    heres chad with 15 1/8″ and 15 1/2″ slabs that he caught back to back same hole! next here are some of the rest of us with a few we kept for dinner.

    this years march crappie run was one of the toughest for me with the deeper than normal snow depth on the lake causing lots of slush, making travel and getting around very difficult but that being said it makes the trip all that more an adventure and when fishing with chris it is always an adventure, an adventure i, and many others look forward to every year (ice or soft water)

    Chris we cant wait until next year!! thanks again for another great trip!!


    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    Wow!! Nice Crappies.

    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    How deep of water are coming out of? Are they supended at a certain depth, or just under the ice?

    Posts: 1471

    Drew, great report. Those Crappies look great. From what I hear Chris is top notch. Going to have to try and get out with him sometime.

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099


    How deep of water are coming out of? Are they supended at a certain depth, or just under the ice?

    we usually are fishing from 25 to 40 FOW and the crappies are anywhere from tight to bottom to suspended 10/15 ft.

    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    That has to be a blast bringing those slabos up from those depths.
    I’ve gotten some 12-13 inchers from 10 foot depths here on the Mississippi and that can be a battle, but 40 feet, whew!!

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    yes very nerve racking fights!!

    Cuba City, WI
    Posts: 395

    Nice slabs.

    Posts: 5660

    Thanks Drew!! Far too kind. Always enjoy fishing with your crew and can’t wait for next years adventure!!

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