Figuring that you are in the early stages of a prolonged “Milkrun” as a fishing guide, one might presume those beautiful Walleyes will simply line up for photo opps. To start the day the fish did cooperate rather well and we quickly boxed up some nice fish with some smaller slots in the 18-19 inch class as well. THEN…..mid-day comes and those fish………GONE. It’s “Turn and Burn” time as all 300 ponies are firing as we try to quickly the Rainy Lake “Lost boys”. After a good 1 1/2 hours of poking one here and there……Scratching my head….Muttering to the Humminbird………BINGO. Yep you guessed it. Mid 80’s outside, I’m nearly melting, not a hint of wind, and of course the Big Walleyes……..11 Feet of water STACKED up PRETTY. Just like in the books right!?!?
That my friends is precisely why we still “Play the game”. No matter what you THINK you know. No Matter how much of a “Walleye Wizard” we THINK we might be. There is no waiving the magic wand and everyday has it’s own twists and turns to it.
Those fish up shallow were flat out ANGRY as we quickly boated 10 eyes over 20 inches and filled out our limit.
A true special thanks to both Leon and Scott for sharing the boat with me yesterday. Both class acts………and Scott….(Sorry about winning the big fish pot) I tried to shake it off. Respectable 25 1/4. I’ll invest that Buck wisely.
Leon……It was a true honor and it seemed mid-day you nearly wore out my Loomis NRX with hooksets, but I still am not willing to part with it just yet!!