This is simply a gentle reminder for many fisherman that likely have little idea of a potential danger within the back Channel cuts of Rainy Lake. This route is known to be a bit dicey and most who choose to run this agree……your either in….or your OUT. In the past couple days I’ve had to run in tight quarters to slow moving or idle boats while on full plane while other anglers presumably had no idea they were directly in the route of a tight back channel route. Rocks are often found within feet of this route, and some of this travel is over very shallow water demanding boaters keep speed to reduce boat draw.
Rule of thumb; If your fishing in between a red and green marker only feet apart……Your probably in an area that should be kept clear of idle traffic/fisherman.
This is simply a reminder and I completely understand most people have little idea on back cut routes. SO…….If a boat is coming seemingly in your direction you might now understand that boat probably has little choice, but to keep on plane and buzz the tower. This route in areas is tight and leaves little room for error.
Stay safe out there boys.