When you spend nearly 90% of your free time on the ice or water you have some fun stuff happen. I thought some of you might get a kick out of the lighter side of our sport. Believe it or not things don’t always go as planned.
1. A few years ago I was guiding out of my Lund Fisherman Magnum. This Fisherman has a swim platform off the back. A customer said “Hey Granrud….Where is the bathroom on this cruiser?? I said “Off the back is fine”. Seconds later my customer asked “Where do you get these jigs at??” As I turned around I shutter at what I witnessed as the large man was found two hands on the swim platform bar doing something I’ve tried to erase from my memory bank for the last several years. He again asked about the jigs to which I replied “Hey Bud…….I’m not feeling comfortable talking tackle with your shorts around your ankles!!
2. Todays RLHB post reminded me of some crazy funny things I’ve witnessed; A few years ago on a RLHB/IDO excursion My good friends each brought their boys along. Tucker and Clark!! Those on the trip remember the two youngsters!! Our September weather was unbelievable as guys were burning steaks on the grill and soaking up Lienenkugels Harvest blend. As both Clark and Tuck were working over the slide off the back of our houseboat our houseboat neighbors witnessed the crazy event. As Tuck made his way back up on the fly bridge for another turn; Clark kept the slide wet for him as he proudly let loose and ushered Tuck for two turns in a row!! What a pal!!
3. I’ll admit I’m a bit petrified of SNAKES. I had a trip where we ran into this gardner snake swimming across the bay. Though I tried to avoid the “CONSTRICTER” it went under the boat. I repeatedly asked my customers if they saw it come out the back. Nobody ever saw it again. THEN…….That darn thing made it’s way up the back of the Skeeter and into my splash well. I hear “OH HERE IT IS!!” I said GRAB IT AND THROW IT OUT OF HERE!! As they gently released the slithery devil I see it try follow us again. I kicked the Terrova 101 to 10 in panic and nearly launched myself out of the boat directly into the snake pit!! Customers just about choked to death in laughter!!
4. Boy and dad casting stickbaits. Boy casting stickbaits ALL OVER. I gave a little Guide to Boy consult on what can happen if that rapala hits someone. Again boy casts off windshield, side of boat and everywhere in between. THEN…….YOU GUESSED IT……..I heare a WAAAAAP………..Followed by a OOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCH!! Scared to turn around I peek back to see the angry father wearing a size 13 floating rapala on the top of his baseball cap. Now I’m actually NOT fond of HUMAN blood. As I study the situation I realize the cap needs to be cut off to see the barb placement. The guy is about ready to pass out, and SO AM I!! I said don’t pass out I think it is just in your hair. I said “We’re going to need to cut off your cap” He replies “GREAT……..I JUST BOUGHT THIS CAP!!” I reply “Well you can wear it if you like??”
Long story short Dr. Daze removes 9 hooks and needs coldwater to keep from passing out!!
5. There shal be no names mentioned with any of these posts. Guys are free to stay at large!! We’re kicking out old holes crappie fishing when one of our boys kicks through the hole and manages to wedge his boot underwater. Literally cannot get it out. We tried for several minutes while his helping buddies used him for a still shoot!!
Happy to report he came out without amputation and just a bit embarrased!!
LASTLY………I know I said 5, but can’t blame a guy for being an overachiever!!
I’m guiding a guy and gal ice fishing when the gal hollers BIG FISH!! I hustle from my Otter to theirs for an assist. Upon releasing the fish I go to leave their house and didn’t have the door all the way unzipped. Of course I take a rather impressive digger as a fall out onto the ice. The gal quickly gets up and asks if I’m OK!! As she helps me up she looks at my oversized pack boots that are 2 sizes too big. I USE THEM FOR EXTRA SOCKS. She looks at my big size 13’s and at the same time I start to smirk. There was no time to explain as she smiles and covers her mouth!! LORD HELP US!!!
Fishing………..Yep it’s still pretty darn fun!!