The camping situation on Rainy is AMAZING. We’ve been making annual trips for a few years now. The camping is free and they take no reservations. At the access (Voyageurs National Park Rainy Lake Visitor’s Center), they have free printed maps that capture all of the campsites on the lake. There’s a key on the map that indicates the ameneties at each site (number of picnic tables/bear boxes/tent pads and if it’s a rock/sand/dock access). Oh, and you have to fill out a camping registration form.
The sites closest to the visitor’s center fill up first (of course), so you may have to boat a few miles to find a site that meets your needs. Just keep heading EAST – that’s where the better fishing is anyway.
We camped at the Lost Bay campsite last summer, it’s about 9 miles of water from the access, but – man, what a site. Sandy shore, big, out of the wind and close to good fishing.
I tried to find a downloadable version of the map, but this was the best I could come up with:,-92.803853&sspn=0.324195,0.891953&ie=UTF8&t=p&ecpose=48.10140298,-92.803853,40789.55,0,44.639,0&ll=48.461626,-92.803853&spn=0.324195,0.891953&z=11
PM me if you have further questions.