For you my friend

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    How is it that at times days can seem so long, but life can be so short. Life was simple in our small town, but our roots grew deep. Pick up hockey at the rink, Sledding down Stee’s hill…..

    Buddy your were a big part of my life; Who can forget as teenage boys babysitting my little “sis” inviting girls over to the house while mom and dad were bowling. Who can forget tossing the nerf football as we ran down the hall, jumped off the recliner and dove across the couch!! (Dad still wonders how those springs wore out so soon……CHEAP CHAIR!!) Who can forget your dad’s reaction when we each shot 2 boxes of shotgun shells he bought for us without one single duck to show for it. “Not ONE duck guys??”. Who can forget hunting with your brother Judd when he had a broken neck; That morning when nothing was flying and we winked at each other while turning around at an instant shooting multiple times behind the blind. Poor Judd couldn’t get turned around fast enough……..”FUNNY ONE GUYS”. Who can forget you trying to smoke your first………”Cattail” on a duck hunting trip. Who can forget catching that “Mudpuppy” in Red wing in the low light of our portable house when I nearly ran through the wall when it started crawling around. Who can forget good ole “Uncle George” Bless his soul. Who can forget when I nearly took off a digit helping taking docks out. Where is Amor anyway?? Who can forget good Ole Bogey one!!(Rest his soul). Who can forget that big buck that nearly ran you over, and your story how you thought it was me coming. Who can forget using those homemade Box tip-ups your bro made. Who can forget that fishhouse blowing OUT of the back of the truck with your Bro…….THAT HOUSE WAS BUILT TO LAST!! Who can forget your mom and dad’s “Garbage Can parties”. Who can forget our prom “Double Date” in my dad’s conversion van……………

    Buddy Who can forget…..I surely won’t and the memories we shared are simply overbearing right now.

    Rest in peace buddy!! We’ll never forget you.

    Posts: 5660

    Who can forget the snowball wars with your brother when he nearly killed me on a connection!! Who can forget having that BB gun shot bounce off your horn coming home from school. “RUN RUN…..You told me!!” My brother is shooting at us!!” LOL!! Who can forget standing up to that bully who always waited for us under the bridge on our way home from school. Who can forget “THAT stuff in the Crockpot is RAW EGGS for the morning” Who can forget the nights at the Otter. Who can forget covering Bruce with hunting coats by the fire……..Who can forget playing “Tie Up” with your brothers friends. People might frown on such a game in today’s world, yet we willingly wanted in!! Even in this miserably tough time I crack a smile that detours my tears as I remember watching you hang from your back loop of your pants from the rafters of the garage as I hid in the pine tree’s across the street trying not to laught too loud. As I tried to free you we both were both laughing so hard…… “EASY GRANNY!! We were just 2 teenage boys with few cares in the world, and couldn’t stop laughing. Then of course I was caught as well!! Man life was so simple. Who can forget your brother giving you a real life “Body Slam” like on All Star wrestling….”That truly does hurt more in REAL LIFE” Who can forget when you hid in the dryer only to have it TURNED ON!! I’ll never forget seeing your face behind the glass of that dryer with your fingers to your mouth………..SHHHHHHH! Who can forget the “Gheto Cruiser” When your dad traded tires off the DOCK becuase they were better than the ones on the car. “Granny what do you think….Whitewalls in or out….. “REALLY” They are GREEN FROM SLIME BUDDY!!

    Man……..I assure you I haven’t forgot buddy, and my mixture of tears and smiles assure me your in a better place, yet we’ll never forget your time here with us!!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1381

    Great memories that last a lifetime…..

    Truly, if we knew when “our day” was, we would live life everyday without sweating the small stuff.
    Here’s a tip of the cap to your friend. RIP.

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