During the heat of summer most walleye anglers aren’t comfortable fishing unless they can “Print” fish on their electronics. I’ve been right there with you for many years. The last couple summers I’ve decided to try expand our Tactical toolbox by finding fish less pressured. BINGO!! Pull out the Walleye Blotter on this strategy!! Many walleye anglers openly admit a severe lack of versatility in the “Dog Daze” of summer. If that reef bite isn’t happening……Time to take a swim!?!? One thing to remember guys is shallow fish are most always up tight on a food funnel for a nice “Eat Retreat”!!
BTW most of the big fish as of late are not in the “Boys of Summer” Printing Zone!! Play the directional wind funnels and current traps and own the fish. Scattered boulder piles worked with 3/16 oz. Purple and white H20 Precisin jigs and minnows has been GOLDEN!! Jig fishermans dream!! 4-15 feet of water!! It has almost been comical watching the boats rotate through some popular summer locations. The rest of the world will be on the reefs I assure you!! You can also be assured you those reef fish………(And there certainly are some)………Are WAY WAY WAY more educated than the shallow breakline fish!!
We continue to attempt to locate the “Big and Dumb”
Keep the “Net Wet” Men!!