Hi Derek,
Welcome to the Rainy Lake forum. Our guide service is currently focused on a transitional bite that traditionally has been known to be a bit tricky for anglers. We are concentrating our efforts on productive structure between shallow spawning areas and deeper mid-lake haunts. This transitional area is most productive with directional winds burning over depths from 5-32 f.o.w. or good current flow for walleyes. The big pike we’ve had success with are locating themselves on newly emerging cabbage lines or deep scattered rocks that have a recent influx of smaller walleyes. Smallies are to be found in numbers on their beds. This could change shortly?
As for color selections or tackle I would suggest orange/chart. or gold color combinations. The Spinner rigs from http://www.jollyrogertackle.com are a something that you you might want to have in your arsenal. I would handpick the hammered gold as well as the “Pro Series” Tiger patterns. In the “Foilistic” series the Orange/Chart color schemes are awesome!! slow roll these rigs with either minnow or crawlers. Then as far as jigs go don’t skimp!! I prefer the 3/16 oz. size in most instances in the orange/chart or tiger patterns. I use the H20 Precision jigs from Bfishn Tackle. http://www.bfishntackle.com If we get a mayfly hatch soon I’ll tip them with crawlers otherwise small shiners or fatheads.
We’ve also had great success this season on both the Moxies and Kgrubs casting shallow blown rock piles. This allows anglers to work efficiently and aggressive to capture large predators prowling the rock piles. Should you be blessed with good winds on your trip I would highly suggest lacing up Moxies in the Pro Blue or white colors. These can also be ordered online from BfishN tackle.
I know this is only a start, but hope this helps and have a great trip!!