crank bite is on fire!

  • drew-evans
    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    fished OT sat sun and mon. boating 50+ eyes. we spent about three to 4 hours a day puling cranks on some of the central flats most fished ranged from 14 to 22 inches with very few smaller ones. we were trolling # 5 jointed raps about 50 feet back in 12 to 6 ft of water. we were marking most fish clearly on my humingbird, it was fun too tell everybody too get ready and then when the arc on the HB came close too leaving the screen i would say whos hooked up and at least 50% of the time somebody was hooked up. we did hook up with two nice fish that were lost and caught lots of rock bass and perch and my dad who struggled to boat a walleye the first night did manage too boat a huge bullhead first on a crank bait for my boat.

    we also fished a near by lake for pan fish and caught blue gills, crappies, bass, and small pike until we were blue in the face!

    i do not have many pics yet because my family is still up there fishing until sunday and they have the camera so i will try and get some of the good pics up this weekend for now i will post these two.file:///Users/lauraduffie/Desktop/mail-1.jpeg

    red wing, mn
    Posts: 165

    Nice fish. Looks like you and your family had a fun time.

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    Way to go Drew

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Where – Mille Lacs?

    NE IA
    Posts: 736


    Where – Mille Lacs?

    OT = Ottertail

    Nice fish

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Sounds like you had a great time Drew….

    Good thing you fished last weekend and avoided the hurricane this weekend….enough wind already!! That said, there were still some nice catches this weekend, including a nice stringer of 10 caught mid-afternoon today in 6 FOW. No one color seems to be more productive than the next – just find the active school and hang on!

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    otter tail is always a great time!! im glad i did avoid the winds i hate fishing wet while the sun is shineing, damn crestliner takes them big water waves horrible. we could only get fish on two diferent colors when i was out there but a week can realy change things.

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