Otter Tail Trolling……

  • Trev
    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    The evening crank bite has officially started on OT…at least here at Vacationland. The sand/gravel flats just off the weedline in 7-9 fow produced this nice stringer of fish last evening for the previous “Boss” at Vacationland and his brother “Lips” from Austin, MN. A few short fish were released as well as a 24″ eye. All fish were caught on a #5 Rapala Deep Runner.

    Look for the trolling bite to be very consistent in the weeks and months to come at various locations on the lake. Locations may change, but the fish will be active somewhere. Can’t wait to see what the full moon period produces……

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Thanks for the info Trev, looks like a good time! I love that lake, seems like there’s usually something going somewhere, and who doesn’t like active fish and fairly consistent action?


    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    Great news!

    That’s a great thing about OT, fish are always biting in that lake. Stay mobile and you will find them. Thanks for the updates.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Here’s another smiling face as Anthony from the St. John’s, Michigan area display’s his Wednesday evening trolling results. Great job young man……….

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