Memorial Day Weekend

  • chriswallace
    Andover, MN
    Posts: 275

    What an awesome trip back up north. Closed the shop down thursday night and booted up north. Went out around 7 am friday am and found some eater fish working an 8 foot flat with a bit of weeds dragging lindy rigs and some jigs.

    Went back into the cabin, cleaned the fish, got the cabin chores all done and what not. Grabbed the boat and went back out looking for some crappies. And well, I did. Found quite a few still up shallow, found em on the same flat in 8-12 fow where I was fishing walleyes and then found em out in 35 fow. So go figure, I dont know if I’m confused, the fish are confused, or were both confused, but finding crappies in three distinct different places is just mind bottling.

    Saturday we stumbled on “bad/good fish” Working a small hump about 10 fow surrounded by deep water dragging lindy rigs with rainbows. Everything we found were slot fish, not an eater to be found! So it was nice not having to clean anything. I guess.

    A relative of ours who farms up there lost a bunch of trees and had a few go through there house so we spent all day up there getting the trees cut up and moved out of the fields that are ready to be cut, fences fixed to move cattle around. That night we drifted a sand break and enjoyed the weather and picked up a few walleyes again, some more crappies, some pike, perch and rock bass. Enjoyed a nice bonfire on the shore that night and had a few cocktails with family I have not seen in a long time.

    Sunday was spent doing more deerstand work, work around the cabin and some fishing.

    The coolest fish of the trip was caught by my grandpa. Grandpa is 77 years old and any chance to get to fish with him, I do it. Im sittig in the front of the boat looking backwards and watch his rod just get slammed, grandpa does nothing, rod gets slammed again, grandpa does nothing, this happened a good 4 times until he finally noticed, then he looked at me and I looked at him and asked if he wanted me to reel it in. Short while later Grandpa was holding a nice healthy throw back fish!

    Life was good, thoroughly enjoyed the weekend with the family, fishing with my father and grandfather and Biggie.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Sounds like you had a successful trip. Seems as though most lakes in the area are producing right now – what a great time of year!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Nice report and photo’s Chris.

    The only thing better than getting dad or gramps on a fish is the kid!

    Andover, MN
    Posts: 275

    Well since I dont have a kid yet. Dad and gramps will have to due!

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